entrepreneurship /macdonald/taxonomy/term/220/all en TechAccel Showcase /macdonald/channels/event/techaccel-showcase-359086 <h4>Come and meet our TechAccel teams! Student startup teams funded and supported by <strong><a href="/engine/" title="">The ƻԺ Engine</a> </strong>will be present to demo their projects and businesses!</h4> Fri, 30 Aug 2024 14:50:50 +0000 admin 1638231 at /macdonald Pre-Startup Skills: Workshop #6 - Customer Discovery /macdonald/channels/event/pre-startup-skills-workshop-6-customer-discovery-358780 <p>This workshop will provide an overview of the customer discovery process and then delve deeper into how to conduct customer interviews and how to iterate on your business model or lean canvas.</p> Fri, 23 Aug 2024 14:10:31 +0000 admin 1638029 at /macdonald Pre-Startup Skills: Workshop #2 – Design Thinking Methodology /macdonald/channels/event/pre-startup-skills-workshop-2-design-thinking-methodology-358776 <p>The learning objective of this workshop is to understand the fundamentals of the Design Thinking Methodology and how it promotes innovation.            </p> Fri, 23 Aug 2024 14:05:23 +0000 admin 1638025 at /macdonald Pre-Startup Skills: Workshop #3 – Introduction to Industry Analysis /macdonald/channels/event/pre-startup-skills-workshop-3-introduction-industry-analysis-358777 <p>This workshop will introduce the fundamental tool of Industry Analysis which companies use for strategy development. For startups, understanding the industry is a critical step in determining market entry and market positioning.</p> Fri, 23 Aug 2024 14:06:52 +0000 admin 1638026 at /macdonald Pre-Startup Skills: Workshop #4 - Market Research and Analysis of Competition /macdonald/channels/event/pre-startup-skills-workshop-4-market-research-and-analysis-competition-358778 <p>This workshop will provide an overview of the different types of market research, how to analyze the competition, and the resources available at ƻԺ to perform market research.</p> Fri, 23 Aug 2024 14:07:58 +0000 admin 1638027 at /macdonald Pre-Startup Skills: Workshop #5 – Foundations of IP and Patent Searching /macdonald/channels/event/pre-startup-skills-workshop-5-foundations-ip-and-patent-searching-358779 <p>This workshop will demystify and explain the various form of intellectual property (IP), namely, patents, industrial designs, copyright, trademarks, and trade secrets.</p> Fri, 23 Aug 2024 14:09:13 +0000 admin 1638028 at /macdonald Pre-Startup Skills: Workshop #1 - Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship 101 /macdonald/channels/event/pre-startup-skills-workshop-1-technological-innovation-and-entrepreneurship-101-358775 <p>This workshop will provide an overview of what technological innovation and entrepreneurship are as well as an overview of the Entrepreneurial Mindset, the Lean Launchpad methodology, the Business Model Canvas, and the Lean Canvas.</p> Fri, 23 Aug 2024 14:03:50 +0000 admin 1638023 at /macdonald Application Deadline: Invention to Impact Training Program Fall 2024 /macdonald/channels/event/application-deadline-invention-impact-training-program-fall-2024-358180 <h2>Application Deadline: September 15, 2024, 11:59PM ET<a href="https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=cZYxzedSaEqvqfz4-J8J6o5YbLggnItNohh2-3xWiFRUOFlPRFAzMzM0VENGUUJWNzg0RVNDSDY4OS4u"><strong> - Apply Here! </strong></a></h2> Thu, 01 Aug 2024 14:46:11 +0000 admin 1636995 at /macdonald Application Deadline: TechAccel Program Fall 2024 /macdonald/channels/event/application-deadline-techaccel-program-fall-2024-358176 <h2>Application Deadline: September 8, 2024, at 11:59 PM ET - <a href="https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=cZYxzedSaEqvqfz4-J8J6o5YbLggnItNohh2-3xWiFRUN0Q0OE83V0RFNUJSNzZERDExV1FVTExWUy4u">Apply Here.</a></h2> Thu, 01 Aug 2024 14:27:32 +0000 admin 1636993 at /macdonald Cannafish at Coopérathon 2019 /macdonald/channels/news/cannafish-cooperathon-2019-302763 <p>Congratulations to Ph.D. candidate <b>David Leroux (BRE-Lefsrud</b>) and fellow <b>Cannafish</b> team members, who were awarded the Agricultural Scholarship from Sollio Agriculture at <b>Coopérathon 2019</b> held at Montreal’s Olympia Theatre. Coopérathon “is the world’s largest open innovation challenge that connects citizens, communities, entrepreneurs, researchers, academics and large institutions to develop, together, a socially responsible future.”</p> Thu, 21 Nov 2019 19:52:34 +0000 hcrphoto.macdonald@mcgill.ca 125682 at /macdonald FAES teams advance to Dobson finals /macdonald/channels/news/faes-teams-advance-dobson-finals-295608 <p>We extend best wishes to Startups involving FAES students who will compete for the <a href="http://click.mailsender05.com/ct/2215/2011965/725047439/8f0de0e2707306e2cd181dd03f7cfdde">Food and Agribusiness Convergent Innovation Prize</a> in the <a href="http://click.mailsender05.com/ct/2215/2011965/725047440/8f0de0e2707306e2cd181dd03f7cfdde">Dobson Cup Finals</a> on March 27.</p> Thu, 21 Mar 2019 17:53:57 +0000 hcrphoto.macdonald@mcgill.ca 54190 at /macdonald Student entrepreneurs go up against the Dragons /macdonald/channels/news/student-entrepreneurs-go-against-dragons-293167 <p>Dietetics and Nutrition students<strong> Jamie Lee</strong> and <strong>Isabelle Lam</strong> pitched their startup snack business on the popular CBC television show Dragons' Den.</p> <p>Seeking – and securing – an investment in their fledgling startup from six high-powered entrepreneurs on the popular CBC TV show Dragons’ Den was the last thing that Jamie Lee and Isabelle Lam could have imagined less than a year earlier, when they came up with their business idea: a nutritious chocolate-based snack.</p> Fri, 11 Jan 2019 21:51:41 +0000 hcrphoto.macdonald@mcgill.ca 54015 at /macdonald reMIXed to present on Dragon's Den /macdonald/channels/news/remixed-present-dragons-den-292545 <p><strong>Jamie Lee</strong> and <strong>Isabelle Lam</strong> are two newly graduated Dietetics students from ƻԺ and the proud co-founders of <a href="https://www.remixedsnacks.com/" target="_blank"><strong>reMIXed</strong></a>.</p> Mon, 17 Dec 2018 19:27:43 +0000 hcrphoto.macdonald@mcgill.ca 53661 at /macdonald Deadline: Macdonald Campus Innovation & Entrepreneurship Prize /macdonald/channels/event/deadline-macdonald-campus-innovation-entrepreneurship-prize-285478 <h3>Today at 13h30 is the deadline for applications for the Macdonald Campus Innovation and Entrepreneurship Prize</h3> Thu, 01 Mar 2018 14:40:04 +0000 hcrphoto.macdonald@mcgill.ca 53227 at /macdonald Information Session: Macdonald Campus Innovation & Entrepreneurship Prize /macdonald/channels/event/information-session-macdonald-campus-innovation-entrepreneurship-prize-285477 <p>Looking to build a start-up? Join us on March 12 for an information session on how to apply for the Macdonald Campus Innovation and Entrepreneurship Prize</p> Thu, 01 Mar 2018 14:36:47 +0000 hcrphoto.macdonald@mcgill.ca 53226 at /macdonald