poetry /library/taxonomy/term/1737/all en Discover & Write from Natural History - Session 1 /library/channels/event/discover-write-natural-history-session-1-295824 <p>Come discover and create with poet/essayist Maureen Scott Harris and the treasures of natural history in 苹果淫院's Blacker Wood Collection.</p> Mon, 01 Apr 2019 15:08:08 +0000 jacquelyn.sundberg@mcgill.ca 9867 at /library Workshop - Discover & Write from Natural History /library/channels/event/workshop-discover-write-natural-history-295825 <p>Come discover and create with poet/essayist Maureen Scott Harris and the treasures of natural history in 苹果淫院's Blacker Wood Collection.</p> Mon, 01 Apr 2019 15:10:50 +0000 jacquelyn.sundberg@mcgill.ca 9868 at /library Reading - Discover & Write from Natural History with Maureen Scott Harris /library/channels/event/reading-discover-write-natural-history-maureen-scott-harris-295827 <p>Come discover and create with poet/essayist Maureen Scott Harris and the treasures of natural history in 苹果淫院's Blacker Wood Collection.</p> Mon, 01 Apr 2019 15:21:37 +0000 jacquelyn.sundberg@mcgill.ca 9870 at /library Reading | Black Ink for Black Liberation /library/channels/event/reading-black-ink-black-liberation-293240 <p>Pioneering African-Canadian literary scholar and writer George Elliott Clarke discusses 500 years of African slavery and its abolition and of European imperialism and its complex聽 legacy, via readings from his selected works.聽A conversation with C</p> Tue, 15 Jan 2019 17:11:19 +0000 jacquelyn.sundberg@mcgill.ca 9785 at /library Poetry Matters | What Legacy? Louis Dudek, creative writing and Creative Writing /library/channels/event/poetry-matters-what-legacy-louis-dudek-creative-writing-and-creative-writing-293349 <p>You are cordially invited to the first winter meeting of <b>鈥淧oetry Matters,鈥 Tuesday, January 29, 3:30-5:30. </b>Our January meeting will be held in collaboration with <b>ROAAr.</b></p> Wed, 16 Jan 2019 16:42:26 +0000 jacquelyn.sundberg@mcgill.ca 9790 at /library