LLDRL /law/taxonomy/term/25/all en Black Professors Speak: A 苹果淫院 Renaissance? /law/channels/event/black-professors-speak-mcgill-renaissance-284523 <p>A roundtable with Prof. <strong>Nii A. Addy</strong>, Prof. <strong>Adelle Blackett</strong>, Dr. <strong>Anita Brown Johnson</strong>, Prof. <strong>Lawrence Goodridge</strong>, Prof. <strong>Philip S.S. Howard</strong>, Prof.</p> Thu, 17 May 2018 18:54:26 +0000 david.de_charette@苹果淫院.Ca 6373 at /law The egalitarian free labor promise of the 13th amendment to the US Constitution /law/channels/event/egalitarian-free-labor-promise-13th-amendment-us-constitution-284524 <p>As part of Black History Month, a <em>Slavery and the Law Seminar</em> with <strong>Rebecca Zietlow</strong>, Charles W.</p> Thu, 17 May 2018 18:54:26 +0000 david.de_charette@苹果淫院.Ca 6375 at /law Equity Matters in Quebec Universities /law/channels/event/equity-matters-quebec-universities-284534 <p>As part of Black History Month, join us for a Conversation with <a href="https://www.ualberta.ca/arts/about/people-collection/malinda-s-smith" target="_blank"><strong>Malinda Smith</strong></a>, Professor of Political Science at the University of </p> Thu, 17 May 2018 18:54:26 +0000 david.de_charette@苹果淫院.Ca 6379 at /law CANCELLED - Droit du travail et action collective dans les services priv茅s d'aide 脿 domicile. Le cas du Ch猫que emploi-service /law/channels/event/cancelled-droit-du-travail-et-action-collective-dans-les-services-prives-daide-domicile-le-cas-du-283438 <p><strong>WE REGRET TO ANNOUNCE THAT THIS TALK HAS BEEN REPORTED TO FALL 2018. </strong></p> Thu, 17 May 2018 18:54:26 +0000 david.de_charette@苹果淫院.Ca 6290 at /law Comparative labour law - is it still useful? /law/channels/event/comparative-labour-law-it-still-useful-275671 <p>The Labour Law and Development Research Laboratory (<a href="/lldrl/" target="_blank">LLDRL</a>) welcomes <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/anne-trebilcock-77099b17" target="_blank"><strong>Anne Trebilcock</strong></a>, for</p> Wed, 11 Oct 2017 19:58:28 +0000 lysanne.larose@mcgill.ca 6066 at /law You Shall Have the Body: Slavery, Property Rights and Resistance in Canada /law/channels/event/you-shall-have-body-slavery-property-rights-and-resistance-canada-269886 <p>The Labour Law and Development Research Laboratory (<a href="/lldrl" target="_blank">LLDRL</a>) Speaker Series welcomes Professor <a href="http://www.queensu.ca/history/people/facultyinstructors/walker-barrington" target="_bla</body></html>"></a></p> Mon, 28 Aug 2017 21:18:21 +0000 lysanne.larose@mcgill.ca 6000 at /law Missed Opportunity in the Master Narrative of US Law: How Did American Workers Lose Legal Ground? /law/channels/event/missed-opportunity-master-narrative-us-law-how-did-american-workers-lose-legal-ground-267276 <p>The Faculty of Law Legal Theory Workshop and the LLDRL Speaker Series are pleased to welcome Josephine R Witte聽Chair聽Professor <strong>Lea VanderVelde</strong>, whose talk will provide a聽compelling and timely perspective on Slavery, Labour Law and</p> Thu, 23 Mar 2017 20:55:44 +0000 lysanne.larose@mcgill.ca 5878 at /law Transnational labour law and the environment: Beyond the bounded autonomous worker /law/channels/event/transnational-labour-law-and-environment-beyond-bounded-autonomous-worker-266658 <p>The Labour Law and Development Research Laboratory (<a href="/lldrl/" target="_blank">LLDRL</a>) Speaker Series and the Canada Research Chair in Transnational Labour welcome <a href="http://law.uwo.ca/about_us/our_people/facul</body></html>"></a></p> Tue, 28 Feb 2017 16:15:07 +0000 lysanne.larose@mcgill.ca 5849 at /law La zone franche d鈥檈xportation et la r茅gulation du travail en Afrique subsaharienne: trois exemples /law/channels/event/la-zone-franche-dexportation-et-la-regulation-du-travail-en-afrique-subsaharienne-trois-exemples-258459 <p>Talk about Economic Development and Free Trade in Sub Saharan Africa with Dr <a href="http://www.crimt.org/EN_CRIMT_Membres_ETU.html"><strong>脡lise Panier</strong></a>, postdoctoral researcher at CRIMT, organized by the Labour Law and Development </p> Wed, 10 Feb 2016 16:06:42 +0000 lysanne.larose@mcgill.ca 5373 at /law Postdoctoral Fellow Brice Adanhounme shortlisted for Polanyi-Levitt Prize /law/channels/news/brice-adanhounme-shortlisted-polanyi-levitt-prize-226755 <p><b>Armel Brice Adanhounme</b>, a Banting postdoctoral fellow at 苹果淫院鈥檚 Faculty of Law and associate researcher at the Interuniversity Research Centre on Globalization and Work (CRIMT), was recently聽 shortlisted for this year's Kari Polanyi-Levitt Prize for his paper, 鈥淎ssessing Chinese Investments in sub-Saharan African Countries:聽An Institutional Perspective.鈥</p> Mon, 13 May 2013 18:25:47 +0000 lysanne.larose@mcgill.ca 4028 at /law