international development /isid/taxonomy/term/96/all en ISID Open Letter: A New Policy Direction for Canadian International Development? /isid/channels/news/isid-open-letter-new-policy-direction-canadian-international-development-301751 <h2> </h2> <h2> </h2> <h2> </h2> <h2><b>A New Policy Direction for Canadian International Development? </b></h2> <p><i>An Open Letter to the New Government </i></p> Thu, 17 Oct 2019 13:52:06 +0000 1400 at /isid The most recent issue of Latitude, ISID's newsletter, is out! /isid/channels/news/most-recent-issue-latitude-isids-newsletter-out-295709 <p>The Institute for the Study of International Development's regular newsletter, LATITUDE, is now available for download.  Read up on our people, our research, our events and our programs!</p> <p>Printed copies are available at the Institute in Peterson Hall.</p> Tue, 26 Mar 2019 15:14:40 +0000 1356 at /isid