External /isid/taxonomy/term/4/all en Beverly Mullings guest lecture /isid/channels/event/beverly-mullings-guest-lecture-357913 <p>Guest speaker</p> Tue, 09 Jul 2024 13:39:27 +0000 iain.blair@mcgill.ca 1555 at /isid Selfish-Determination: Libertarians, proprietary communities, and decolonization /isid/channels/event/selfish-determination-libertarians-proprietary-communities-and-decolonization-357670 <p>A guest lecture by Professor Raymond Craib of Cornell University.</p> Tue, 11 Jun 2024 13:44:52 +0000 iain.blair@mcgill.ca 1549 at /isid Revolutionizing Global Development: Learning from Black Women Cooperators across the Americas. /isid/channels/event/revolutionizing-global-development-learning-black-women-cooperators-across-americas-357669 <p>A guest lecture by Professor Caroline Hossein.</p> Tue, 11 Jun 2024 13:43:05 +0000 iain.blair@mcgill.ca 1548 at /isid Extraction: The Frontiers of Green Capitalism /isid/channels/event/extraction-frontiers-green-capitalism-354671 <p>A guest lecture by Thea Rio Francos of Providence College</p> Wed, 24 Jan 2024 17:36:29 +0000 iain.blair@mcgill.ca 1538 at /isid CANCELLED -The Impact of the Ukraine War on Rwandan farmers /isid/channels/event/cancelled-impact-ukraine-war-rwandan-farmers-353179 <p>THIS GUEST LECTURE HAS BEEN CANCELLED.</p> Thu, 30 Nov 2023 16:21:57 +0000 iain.blair@mcgill.ca 1534 at /isid Farmers and Value Chains in Times of Crisis /isid/channels/event/farmers-and-value-chains-times-crisis-356127 <p>A McDonald, Currie Public Lecture,</p> Thu, 14 Mar 2024 14:52:26 +0000 iain.blair@mcgill.ca 1541 at /isid Categorizing Absence and Return: Syria’s Repatriation Program /isid/channels/event/categorizing-absence-and-return-syrias-repatriation-program-354100 <p>A guest lecture by Professor Samer Abboud.</p> Tue, 09 Jan 2024 17:18:16 +0000 iain.blair@mcgill.ca 1536 at /isid Developing Memory, Memories of Development /isid/channels/event/developing-memory-memories-development-354667 <h2 style="text-align:center">Program - Thomson House Ballroom</h2> <hr /> <hr /> <h3>Registration Link:  <a href="/isid/registration">www.mcgill.ca/isid/registration</a></h3> <p> </p> <p>9:00-9:15. Coffee and pastries</p> Wed, 24 Jan 2024 17:08:01 +0000 iain.blair@mcgill.ca 1537 at /isid ISID congratulates Professor Jacob Blanc on his new book, "The Prestes Column" /isid/channels/news/isid-congratulates-professor-jacob-blanc-his-new-book-prestes-column-355449 <p>Professor Jacob Blanc of the Institute for the Study of International Development and the Department of History has had a new book published with Duke University Press.  In <i>The Prestes Column</i>, Jacob Blanc offers a new interpretation of the legendary rebellion, in which a band of rebel officers and soldiers marched fifteen thousand miles through the vast interior regions of Brazil between 1924 and 1927.</p> Thu, 15 Feb 2024 15:42:54 +0000 iain.blair@mcgill.ca 1539 at /isid An exploration of bilateral development finance institutions business models. /isid/channels/event/exploration-bilateral-development-finance-institutions-business-models-353175 <p>A guest lecture by ISID Professor of Practice Christian Novak.</p> Thu, 30 Nov 2023 16:12:48 +0000 iain.blair@mcgill.ca 1530 at /isid Gender and Microfinance in Colombia /isid/channels/event/gender-and-microfinance-colombia-353174 <p>Guest lecture by Kristen McNeil of the Geneva Graduate Institute.</p> Thu, 30 Nov 2023 16:09:04 +0000 iain.blair@mcgill.ca 1529 at /isid Present lives of the colonial boomerang: the imperial entanglements of global policing, then and now /isid/channels/event/present-lives-colonial-boomerang-imperial-entanglements-global-policing-then-and-now-353176 <p>Guest lecture by Dr Lou Pingeot.</p> Thu, 30 Nov 2023 16:15:00 +0000 iain.blair@mcgill.ca 1531 at /isid Extraction: the frontiers of green capitalism /isid/channels/event/extraction-frontiers-green-capitalism-353180 <p>A guest lecture by Professor Thea Rio Francos of Providence College.</p> Thu, 30 Nov 2023 16:24:28 +0000 iain.blair@mcgill.ca 1535 at /isid Infrastructural Ruination: A Conversation /isid/channels/event/infrastructural-ruination-conversation-353003 Thu, 23 Nov 2023 19:55:34 +0000 iain.blair@mcgill.ca 1528 at /isid Healthcare in Gaza: a Roundtable /isid/channels/event/healthcare-gaza-roundtable-353002 Thu, 23 Nov 2023 19:53:38 +0000 iain.blair@mcgill.ca 1527 at /isid