
Parkinson Foundation - Live Fitness Fridays

Friday, August 18, 2023 13:00to13:45

''Get moving with our PD-tailored fitness videos that feature a different focus every week, from balance to coordination and more./ԴڴDzԱܰǰ䲹ٱ𲵴ǰ:ɲ

ƻԺ Dementia Education Program - The Sharing Room

Tuesday, May 16, 2023toTuesday, August 8, 2023

"The ƻԺ Dementia Education Program and the Alzheimer Society of Montreal have partnered to offer The Sharing Room, a safe space for care partners to share about their experiences, to...

Parkinson Foundation - Young-Onset Parkinson’s Disease: Caring for Others

Tuesday, August 15, 2023 17:00to19:00

"How do you find harmony in juggling it all? Caring for your parent or family member or your children, plus all the things going on in your life./ԴڴDzԱܰǰ䲹ٱ𲵴ǰ:ɲ

Parkinson Foundation - Wellness Wednesdays

Thursday, July 13, 2023 13:30to14:00

"Experts guide us through Parkinson’s topics that matter most to you in these weekly webinars." (Source: Parkinson Foundation) Weekly sessions:/ԴڴDzԱܰǰ䲹ٱ𲵴ǰ:ɲ

Support Group – For people living with ALS by ALS Quebec

Wednesday, July 12, 2023 13:30to15:30

"This virtual support group is for people living with ALS. If you would like to discuss, learn from others or break your isolation, come join the group!" /ԴڴDzԱܰǰ䲹ٱ𲵴ǰ:ɲ

Support Group – For caregivers by ALS Quebec

Wednesday, July 26, 2023 13:30to15:00

"This group is for caregivers and loved ones of those living with ALS. If you wish to discuss, obtain information or be in the company of others who know what you’re going through, please join us!"...

Awake Brain Tumour Surgery and Fluorescence: Towards a Standard 

Tuesday, November 28, 2023 13:00to14:00

Awake Brain Tumour Surgery and Fluorescence: Towards a Standard /ԴڴDzԱܰǰ䲹ٱ𲵴ǰ:ɲ

Hear from the Experts - Research by MS Canada

Tuesday, December 5, 2023 19:30to20:30

"MS Hear From The Experts is a series of webinars that help people better understand multiple sclerosis, highlights MS-related resources, plus provides tools and tips to navigate their MS Journey...


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