

Myel­o­gram MMUHC /​CUSM. 2002. Canada.    Ѳ­Dz­­ Radi­o­log­i­cal Soci­ety of North Amer­ica. 2023 USA. Ѳ­Dz­­ NCleve­land Clinic. 2020. USA.

Mus­cu­lar Dys­tro­phy

Books in our collection about this topic ALS, MS and MD: How Do They Dif­fer? ALS Soci­ety of Canada. 2022. Canada. 

Migraines & Headaches

General Information Treatment Support Resources General Information Bonjour Santé  Mon­treal Migraine Clinic  CHUM  Migraine: Myths and Facts (2019) 


Inflam­ma­tion of the meninges, the mem­branes that envelop the brain and the spinal cord; may cause hear­ing loss or deaf­ness...

Menin­giomas (see also: Brain Tumours — Gen­eral)

Menin­gioma Cana­dian Can­cer Soci­ety. n.d. Canada.  Menin­gioma Mayo Clinic. 2020. USA.

Ménière’s Dis­ease

MENIERE’S DIS­EASE: Inner ear dis­or­der that can affect both hear­ing and bal­ance. It can cause episodes of ver­tigo, hear­ing loss, tin­ni­tus, and the sen­sa­tion of full­ness in the ear...

Hyper­ten­sion (High Blood Pres­sure)

Books in our collection on this topic What to Know about High Blood Pres­sure Hyper­ten­sion Canada. n.d. Canada.


Books in our collection on this topic


Books in our collection on this topic   General Information Tests Treatment & Management Living With


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