research /hbhl/taxonomy/term/18/all en The BigBrain: Mapping the Future of Neuroscience /hbhl/article/research-spotlight-research/bigbrain-mapping-future-neuroscience <p>A decade after Alan Evans and Katrin Amunts made waves in the neuroscience world with the BigBrain, <a href="">unveiled in Science in 2013</a>, they are working to take their original model to the next level.</p> Wed, 03 Jul 2024 14:27:38 +0000 Emilie Hackett 1458 at /hbhl Exploring Ataxia of Charlevoix-Saguenay: Breakthrough in Gene Therapy /hbhl/article/research-spotlight-research/exploring-ataxia-charlevoix-saguenay-breakthrough-gene-therapy <p>Autosomal Recessive Spastic Ataxia of Charlevoix-Saguenay (ARSACS) is a rare hereditary disease that significantly impacts motor control, coordination, and stiffness, particularly in the legs. This condition, which first appears in children from two to five years old and progresses slowly, was initially identified in the Charlevoix-Saguenay region of Quebec in 2000. Though rare, affecting only one in 1,500 people in the region and with roughly 320 cases in Quebec, ARSACS is increasingly recognized globally as the second most common form of Ataxia.</p> Wed, 03 Jul 2024 14:22:54 +0000 Roberta Santangelo 1457 at /hbhl Charting a Safer Course: Advancements in Chronic Pain Treatment /hbhl/article/research-spotlight-research/charting-safer-course-advancements-chronic-pain-treatment <p>Chronic pain affects one in every five individuals, yet effective treatment options are far and few between. Too often, chronic pain patients are left to choose between opioids, anticonvulsants for nerve pain and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen and naproxen, all of which present their own negative side effects.</p> Mon, 08 Apr 2024 15:00:59 +0000 Emilie Hackett 1449 at /hbhl Decoding the effects of early life adversity on mental health /hbhl/article/research-spotlight/Adversity-Mental-Health <p>While it is commonly understood that a difficult childhood can lead to mental health issues, research has now exposed deeper, more troubling impacts of early life adversity: that these experiences can reshape the brain and body at a cellular level. Physiological effects like these are at the core of the Æ»¹ûÒùÔº-Douglas-Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry International Collaborative Initiative in Adversity and Mental Health (AMH Initiative).</p> Fri, 12 Jan 2024 22:17:56 +0000 Emilie Hackett 1361 at /hbhl IMPRESS team wins Principal's Award /hbhl/channels/news/impress-team-wins-principals-award-352876 <p>Discover the latest achievements of Æ»¹ûÒùÔº's <a href="/branches/programs/impress"><strong>Indigenous Mentorship and Paid Research Experience for Summer Students (IMPRESS) program</strong></a>!</p> <p>The IMPRESS team was honored with the Principal’s Award for Administrative & Support Staff at the Fall 2023 Convocation Ceremony on November 20, 2023. We are proud to highlight HBHL's pivotal role in this transformative initiative.</p> Wed, 22 Nov 2023 17:48:48 +0000 1346 at /hbhl Breaking barriers: IMPRESS and the transformative power of Indigenous mentorship /hbhl/article/research-spotlight/IMPRESS-Indigenous-mentorship <p>At Æ»¹ûÒùÔº, the <a href="/branches/programs/impress">IMPRESS program</a> is making waves in the lives of Indigenous students. IMPRESS, or the Indigenous Mentorship and Paid Research Experience for Summer Students, is a unique undergraduate program run by <a href="/branches/">Branches</a>, Æ»¹ûÒùԺ’s community outreach program in Enrolment Services that aims to promote academic initiatives and offer mentorship opportunities for underrepresented youth.</p> Tue, 31 Oct 2023 14:30:27 +0000 Emilie Hackett 1341 at /hbhl Launching: CONNECT Expertise Matchmaking /hbhl/channels/event/launching-connect-expertise-matchmaking-352230 <h2><b>CONNECT Expertise Matchmaking: Launch Networking Event</b></h2> <h3><b>Funding for new interdisciplinary collaborations available</b></h3> Wed, 25 Oct 2023 16:06:31 +0000 1339 at /hbhl Exploring the path to academia /hbhl/article/research-spotlight/exploring-path-academia <p>From May to August 2022, researchers funded by Healthy Brains, Healthy Lives (<a href="/hbhl/">HBHL</a>) hosted students interested in brain and mental health research as part of the Indigenous Mentorship and Paid Research Experience for Summer Students (<a href="/branches/programs/impress">IMPRESS</a>) initiative, developed by Æ»¹ûÒùԺ’s <a href="/branches/">Branches</a> community outreach program.</p> Fri, 21 Oct 2022 21:23:30 +0000 Dara O'Connor 1259 at /hbhl The Art of Science Communication /hbhl/article/research-spotlight/art-science-communication Intersectoral performance-art collective unites research knowledge and lived experience of neurodegenerative disease. Tue, 04 Oct 2022 18:07:29 +0000 Dara O'Connor 1251 at /hbhl Sex Cells! A workshop on sex- and gender-based analysis plus (SGBA+) in research /hbhl/channels/event/sex-cells-workshop-sex-and-gender-based-analysis-plus-sgba-research-302150 <blockquote>Considerations of sex and gender are key to conducting inclusive research, building unbiased technology and facilitating equitable healthcare.</blockquote> Fri, 01 Nov 2019 17:07:50 +0000 881 at /hbhl The Competitive Edge: Writing a successful HBHL Fellowship application /hbhl/competitive-edge &²¹³¾±è;±ô³Ù;±è&²¹³¾±è;²µ³Ù;Ìý&²¹³¾±è;±ô³Ù;/±è&²¹³¾±è;²µ³Ù; Tue, 19 Feb 2019 17:17:24 +0000 779 at /hbhl Healthy Brains for Healthy Lives Launches the HBHL Neuro-Innovation Fund /hbhl/channels/news/healthy-brains-healthy-lives-launches-hbhl-neuro-innovation-fund-286136 <p>The Healthy Brains for Healthy Lives (<a href="/hbhl/">HBHL</a>) initiative is happy to announce the launch of its Neuro-Innovation Fund. HBHL’s Neuro-Innovation Fund aims to close the gap between proof-of-concept research grants, and funding from traditional investors (angels, venture capitalist, institutional investors). The Fund will provide technology development grants to support further proof of principle and/or add value to new technologies or inventions related to the research themes of HBHL.</p> Fri, 23 Mar 2018 19:29:34 +0000 692 at /hbhl Launch of the HBHL Knowledge Mobilization Program /hbhl/channels/news/launch-hbhl-knowledge-mobilization-program-285651 <p>Healthy Brains for Healthy Lives (<a href="/hbhl/">HBHL</a>) is a high profile, high priority multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral initiative located at Æ»¹ûÒùÔº made possible with support from the Canada First Research Excellence Fund (<a href="">CFREF</a>). The <a href="/hbhl/files/hbhl/hbhl_strategic_research_plan.pdf">HBHL Strategic Research Plan</a> outlines the vision, deliverables, and overall goals of the initiative, and the research priorities of its four research themes.</p> Tue, 06 Mar 2018 21:40:30 +0000 684 at /hbhl Launch of the Æ»¹ûÒùÔº-Western Collaboration Grant Program /hbhl/channels/news/launch-mcgill-western-collaboration-grant-program-284521 <p><a href="">Canada First Research Excellence Fund</a>'s investment of $150 million in Æ»¹ûÒùÔº's <a href="/hbhl/">Healthy Brains for Healthy Lives (HBHL)</a> and Western University's <a href="">BrainsCAN</a> marks a pivotal step that will unlock the mysteries of the human mind and lay the groundwork for a pan-Canadian network of collaboration that promises to uncover new ways to treat, prevent and cure brain disorders. </p> Tue, 06 Feb 2018 16:34:45 +0000 676 at /hbhl Spécialiste, Développement des affaires – Æ»¹ûÒùÔº Business Development /hbhl/channels/news/specialiste-developpement-des-affaires-mcgill-business-development-268472 <p>Monteal, Quebec</p> <p>This is not your ordinary sales job. Our business development team members are the bridge between academia and industry partners or organizations. They spot opportunities and take action on behalf of Mitacs. They are at the forefront of marketing Mitacs programs and are analogous to matchmakers, who find the common interests between companies and researchers. To help you make your decision, we’d like to introduce you to someone in the role!</p> <p><strong>Meet Sherry</strong></p> Thu, 01 Jun 2017 19:30:38 +0000 622 at /hbhl