offer sample /gps/taxonomy/term/832/all en NSERC *[Tri-Agency]* Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA ) /gps/funding/fac-staff/awards/usra <hr /> <h4>**NEW**</h4> <h4>SSHRC and CIHR Undergraduate Student Research Awards for Black students</h4> <p>This opportunity is open <strong>exclusively to eligible students who self-identify as Black.</strong> All other eligibility rules and all selection criteria are the same as for NSERC.</p> <p>More information will come available on the <a href=""><strong>SSHRC </strong></a>and <a href=""><strong>CIHR </strong></a>webpages.</p> Tue, 22 Mar 2011 17:56:35 +0000 admin 75 at /gps