EBOH /globalhealth/taxonomy/term/65/all en Meet 2023 Global Health Scholar Saad Razzaq /globalhealth/article/global-health-scholars-2023/meet-2023-global-health-scholar-saad-razzaq <p>Saad Razzaq is a medical student and a ƻԺ Global Health Scholar supported by the Medicine Class of 1965 International Health Student Fund. Saad will work with Dr. Charles Larson of the Departments of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health and of Pediatrics.</p> <p>"My role is to help set up a health-informatics system at an urgent care clinic in rural Pakistan to better understand the population the clinic is serving and the impact it is making on this population.</p> Wed, 19 Jul 2023 16:23:19 +0000 ƻԺ Global Health Programs 2856 at /globalhealth Presentation: Optimizing the Use of Routine Health Data in Low Resource Settings /globalhealth/channels/event/presentation-optimizing-use-routine-health-data-low-resource-settings-300932 <p>Hannah Cooper will present on novel ways that her organization, Cooper/Smith, is using data to inform decision-making:</p> Tue, 24 Sep 2019 19:54:24 +0000 helene.brassard@mcgill.ca 2556 at /globalhealth “mHealth applications to predict the need for hospitalization and in-hospital or post discharge mortality in under-five children: results from Bangladesh and Uganda” /globalhealth/channels/event/mhealth-applications-predict-need-hospitalization-and-hospital-or-post-discharge-mortality-under-255091 <h3>The ƻԺ Global Health Programs and the ƻԺ Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health are proud to present a seminar discussion with Dr.</h3> Wed, 09 Sep 2015 17:05:56 +0000 stephanie.laroche-pierre@mcgill.ca 2177 at /globalhealth Global Health Seminars: “Measles Eradication-Should it be a Priority?" /globalhealth/channels/event/global-health-seminars-measles-eradication-should-it-be-priority-254424 <p>The ƻԺ Global Health Programs, in collaboration with the ƻԺ Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health and the MUHC-RI program in Infectious Diseases and Immunity in Global Health, is proud to present a keynote semin</p> Thu, 06 Aug 2015 14:49:41 +0000 stephanie.laroche-pierre@mcgill.ca 2165 at /globalhealth