indigenous population /globalhealth/taxonomy/term/359/all en Human Milk Microbiota in an Indigenous Population Is Associated with Maternal Factors, Stage of Lactation, and Breastfeeding Practices /globalhealth/article/global-health-night-2021-americas-non-communicable-diseases-women-and-child-health/human-milk-microbiota-indigenous-population-associated-maternal-factors-stage-lactation <h2>Abstract</h2> <p><strong>Background</strong>: Human milk contains a diverse community of bacteria that are modified by maternal factors, but whether these or other factors are similar in developing countries has not been explored. Our objective was to determine whether the milk microbiota was modified by maternal age, BMI, parity, lactation stage, subclinical mastitis (SCM), and breastfeeding practices in the first 6 mo of lactation in an indigenous population from Guatemala.</p> Mon, 25 Oct 2021 21:35:15 +0000 Lilian Lopez Leyva, Kristine Koski, et al. 2756 at /globalhealth Traumatic Re-Injuries Among Northern Indigenous Populations: Knowing Their Profile to Better Prevent Them /globalhealth/article/global-health-night-2021-americas-indigenous-health-non-communicable-diseases/traumatic-re-injuries-among-northern-indigenous-populations-knowing-their-profile-better <h2>Abstract</h2> Mon, 25 Oct 2021 22:28:29 +0000 Lydia Mychaltchouk, Jeremy Grushka 2760 at /globalhealth