Infectious Diseases /globalhealth/taxonomy/term/310/all en A Framework to Help Identify Risk Factors for Social Isolation and Loneliness Among Older Adults /globalhealth/article/global-health-night-2021-global-health-equity-infectious-diseases/framework-help-identify-risk-factors-social-isolation-and-loneliness-among-older-adults <h2>Abstract</h2> <p>"Social isolation and loneliness (SIL) represent important social determinants of health in seniors, increasing the risk of adverse health outcomes, including depression, cognitive and functional decline, CVD, and mortality. COVID-19 mitigation measures have amplified these adverse effects, disconnecting older persons from the people, places, and services they rely on for social support in worldwide.</p> Mon, 25 Oct 2021 19:16:28 +0000 Adam Alias, Alayne Adams, Catherine Paquet 2745 at /globalhealth Addressing Health Challenges in Developing Countries: Innovations related to Neglected Diseases in Brazil /globalhealth/article/global-health-night-2021-americas-infectious-diseases/addressing-health-challenges-developing-countries-innovations-related-neglected-diseases-brazil <h2>Abstract</h2> Mon, 25 Oct 2021 20:21:00 +0000 Isabela Elias Ferraz, Paola Perez-Aleman 2751 at /globalhealth Healthcare seeking pathways and delays for the diagnosis of tuberculosis and treatment initiation /globalhealth/article/global-health-night-2021-africa-healthcare-infectious-diseases/healthcare-seeking-pathways-and-delays-diagnosis-tuberculosis-and-treatment-initiation <h2>Abstract</h2> Mon, 25 Oct 2021 21:01:18 +0000 Lavanya Huria, Bolanle Olusola-Faleye, Elaine Baruwa, Lauren Rosapep, Micah Sorum, Charity Oga-Omenka, Madhukar Pai 2753 at /globalhealth Improving the Quality of Trauma and Acute Surgical Care in Northern Quebec: Quantifying Current Capacity to Target Future Interventions /globalhealth/article/global-health-night-2021-americas-infectious-diseases-non-communicable-diseases/improving-quality-trauma-and-acute-surgical-care-northern-quebec-quantifying-current <h2>Abstract</h2> <p><strong>Background</strong>: Northern Quebec presents unique challenges making it difficult to deliver trauma care due to its remoteness, extreme weather conditions, lack of transport systems, and shortage of health care professionals. To evaluate the trauma and surgical portfolio of Nunavik, we propose the use of validated assessment tools previously implemented in under-resourced settings overseas.<br /> <br /></p> Mon, 25 Oct 2021 21:10:58 +0000 Allyson Kis, Evan Wong 2754 at /globalhealth Temporal trends and major determinants of antenatal care HIV testing in sub-Saharan Africa (2005-2020) /globalhealth/article/global-health-night-2021-africa-infectious-diseases/temporal-trends-and-major-determinants-antenatal-care-hiv-testing-sub-saharan-africa-2005-2020 <h2>Abstract</h2> Wed, 08 Dec 2021 14:59:50 +0000 Paul Muset, Caroline Hodgins, Mathieu Maheu-Giroux 2779 at /globalhealth Examining private sector tuberculosis care quality during the COVID-19 pandemic: a study of adherence to screening and treatment initiation guidelines in urban Nigeria /globalhealth/article/global-health-night-2021-africa-healthcare-infectious-diseases/examining-private-sector-tuberculosis-care-quality-during-covid-19-pandemic-study-adherence <h2>Abstract</h2> Mon, 25 Oct 2021 23:07:32 +0000 Angelina Sassi, Bolanle Olusola-Faleye, Elaine Baruwa, Lauren Rosapep, Micah Sorum, Charity Oga-Omenka, Ben Johns, Jishnu Das, Madhukar Pai 2765 at /globalhealth Teenage Pregnancy in Times of COVID-19: A Survey of Students’ Knowledge in Northern Namibia /globalhealth/article/global-health-night-2021-africa-infectious-diseases-women-and-child-health/teenage-pregnancy-times-covid-19-survey-students-knowledge-northern-namibia <h2>Abstract</h2> Mon, 25 Oct 2021 23:36:53 +0000 Karine Talbot, Mónica Ruiz-Casares 2770 at /globalhealth