UPA /fmt/taxonomy/term/694/all en Scholarships and awards /fmt/scholarships <p><img height="375" width="500" class="media-element file-extra-large no-float" src="/fmt/files/fmt/styles/wysiwyg_extra_large/public/2023_awards_slides.jpg?itok=Mw4DOX8g" alt="" /></p> <p>You can also consult the <a href="/fmt/scholarships/external">External Scholarships</a> available to future and current students.</p> <p><strong>Students registered in the Farm Management and Technology Program are eligible for the following medals, scholarships, prizes and bursaries.</strong></p> Fri, 24 Jun 2011 14:43:38 +0000 caitlin.macdougall@mcgill.ca 14 at /fmt