
The cows can't feed themselves

2 Sep 2020

Justin Lauzon spent his summer working full-time at Ferme Val-Bisson in Saint-Polycarpe, QC in the Vaudreuil-Soulanges area. The owners are Jean Bissonnette and Elyse Gendron. They milk between 65...

Grazing in the Alberta Foothills

11 Nov 2019

In Black Diamond (AB), Annakah Drew and fellow FMT student Mariel Lamarche interned at Grazed Right Ranch, owned by Ben and Stephanie Campbell. The Campbells raise 220 grass-fed yearlings, 300...

Sucessfully stepping out of her comfort zone

11 Nov 2019

Historically, many FMT students choose to do their first summer stage (13 weeks duration) further afield – with six working in Alberta and Saskatchewan for the summer. Four of the six are young...

Learning from top dairy managers

29 Oct 2019

Internships are an integral part of the Farm Management and Technology (FMT) program curriculum. During the three-year-long program, student complete four internships or stages, two of which are...

Go west, young man: internship experiences in Alberta

5 Oct 2018

Devin Keenan got to experience life on an Alberta dairy farm as he completed his summer stage at Mars Dairy Ltd in Stettler, AB.

Hands-on learning from a market gardener

1 Oct 2018

Grégory Dupont, an FMT student from Saint-Alexandre, describes his experience working on an organic market garden farm for the summer as part of his 13-week Agricultural Internship completed for...

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