Surveillance /epi-biostat-occh/taxonomy/term/10931/all en Ten Leading Causes of Unintentional Injury in Children /epi-biostat-occh/article/mscph-public-health-day-2023-surveillance/ten-leading-causes-unintentional-injury-children <h2>Abstract</h2> <p>Unintentional injuries continue to be a leading cause for children to seek emergency medical care. We used the electronic Canadian Hospitals Injury Reporting and Prevention Program (eCHIRPP) database to examine the leading causes of unintentional injury emergency department visits among children aged 0 to 14 from 2015 to 2019. This database is an emergency department-based injury and poisoning sentinel surveillance system that operates in hospitals across Canada. The surveillance system collects data on injuries of people presenting to Emergency Departments.</p> Mon, 16 Jan 2023 21:15:16 +0000 Britnei James 4652550 at /epi-biostat-occh Transitioning STI and Hepatitis Surveillance Analyses from Excel to R: A Process Improvement Project /epi-biostat-occh/article/mscph-public-health-day-2023-surveillance/transitioning-sti-and-hepatitis-surveillance-analyses-excel-r-process-improvement-project <h2>Video Presentation</h2> <p>View Sara Perlman-Arrow's poster presentation in this video recording:  </p> <p><a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="" data-fid="2216721" src="/epi-biostat-occh/files/epi-biostat-occh/styles/media_thumbnail/public/media-icons/default/video-x-generic.png?itok=z5QJnytY" style="height:100px" /></a></p> Tue, 17 Jan 2023 20:49:39 +0000 Sara Perlman-Arrow 4653511 at /epi-biostat-occh Prevalence of Pathogens included in the Source Attribution study conducted at the sub-product level /epi-biostat-occh/article/mscph-public-health-day-2023-surveillance/prevalence-pathogens-included-source-attribution-study-conducted-sub-product-level <h2>Abstract</h2> Mon, 16 Jan 2023 20:18:38 +0000 Tudor Dinu 4652496 at /epi-biostat-occh