monitoring and evaluation /epi-biostat-occh/taxonomy/term/10091/all en Scaling-Up and Integrating a Psychosocial Intervention in Humanitarian Programs /epi-biostat-occh/article/mscph-public-health-day-2023-health-systems-economics/scaling-and-integrating-psychosocial-intervention-humanitarian-programs <h2>Abstract</h2> <p>People affected by conflict and humanitarian crises experience mental health concerns during and after displacement. These mental health concerns put displaced populations at a higher risk of poor health and life outcomes. In addition, these concerns negatively impact the ability of these populations to rebuild and recover. Current mental health and psychosocial supports (MHPSS), such as one-on-one counselling, are resource-intensive, require skilled professionals, and cannot be implemented at a large scale to meet the mental health needs of refugees.</p> Thu, 12 Jan 2023 19:38:44 +0000 Andrés Barrera Patlán 4648413 at /epi-biostat-occh Data-Driven Approaches for an HIV Prevention Delivery System: Historical and Routine Data Analysis for the Blantyre Prevention Strategy /epi-biostat-occh/article/mscph-public-health-day-2022-global-health-infectious-diseases-including-covid/working-blantyre-prevention-strategy-which-involves-development-and-use-data-user-study-and <h2>Live Presentation</h2> <p>Speak with Nareesa Karmali about her practicum on January 31st from 4:00-4:30pm via this <a href="">zoom link</a>.</p> Thu, 23 Dec 2021 05:09:01 +0000 Nareesa Karmali 4190821 at /epi-biostat-occh