Outstanding Teaching Assistants /engineering/taxonomy/term/767/all en Awards for Outstanding Teaching Assistants /engineering/faculty-staff/teaching-research-and-service-awards/teaching-assistant-awards <h2>Recognizing Outstanding Teaching Assistants</h2> <p>The Faculty of Engineering recognizes the important role played by teaching assistants (TAs) in undergraduate education. As a result, the Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award was created to acknowledge TAs who excel in their activities. The award is presented once a year to up to three (3) people who are TAs or Undergraduate Student Course Assistants and who have demonstrated excellence in teaching scholarship and service. Awardees will receive a monetary award and a certificate from the Faculty of Engineering.  </p> Thu, 05 Dec 2013 17:00:00 +0000 agapi.agapitos@mcgill.ca 881 at /engineering