virtual /engineering/taxonomy/term/669/all en ƻԺ and Ubisoft join forces to create believable virtual characters /engineering/article/news/mcgill-and-ubisoft-join-forces-create-believable-virtual-characters <p>The often quoted idiom “seeing is believing” is put to the test in virtual gaming worlds, where despite recent advances, 3D graphics applications still fail to reflect the physics of motion, materials, texture, and light. As the new NSERC/Ubisoft Industrial Research Chair in Believable Virtual Character Experiences, ƻԺ’s Associate Professor Derek Nowrouzezahrai has joined forces with Ubisoft, the company behind hit video games like Assassin’s Creed and Just Dance, to tap the potential of 3D rendering technology for improving the appearance of virtual characters.</p> Wed, 28 Nov 2018 15:16:49 +0000 Meaghan Thurston 7939 at /engineering