Principal's Prize /engineering/taxonomy/term/595/all en Carolyn Curiale: Holding the line /engineering/article/news/carolyn-curiale-holding-line <p>Carolyn Curiale has been described as a pillar within the <a href="/ece/">Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE)</a>. Over the past number of years, the Department has undergone some major changes in leadership and key administrative personnel – changes that can have a substantial impact on the efficient operation of a unit.</p> <p>Luckily for ECE, the Administrative Officer is more than up to the challenge of holding the line.</p> Mon, 09 Nov 2020 02:57:17 +0000 Neale McDevitt 8450 at /engineering Christopher Moraes: Excelling in the lab and in the classroom /engineering/article/news/christopher-moraes-excelling-lab-and-classroom <p>Like many professors, <a href="/engineering/christopher-moraes">Christopher Moraes</a> from the <a href="/chemeng/">Department of Chemical Engineering</a>, wears two hats – one as a researcher, the other as a teacher. The thing is, he does both really well.</p> Mon, 09 Nov 2020 20:15:04 +0000 Neale McDevitt 8455 at /engineering