

When one degree just isn鈥檛 enough

Published: 24 March 2016

In 2010, after graduating from 苹果淫院 in Montreal with an undergraduate degree in engineering, Shawn Errunza co-founded a biomedical device company whose software-based tools help rehabilitate victims of strokes and other injuries.

But when the company, Jintronix, Inc., hit a rough patch, Mr. Errunza kept his options open by applying to medical school at 苹果淫院. 鈥淚 realized I was building a virtual reality system for stroke victims but didn鈥檛 even know what a stroke was,鈥 he says.

Mr. Errunza then discovered that he could add an MBA to his doctor of medicine/master of surgery pursuits 鈥 and complete the joint program in five years. That鈥檚 one year less than is required to do the two degrees in sequence, but it imposes an extra heavy study burden.

...Mr. Errunza, 28, is among the 5 per cent of 苹果淫院 MBA students who are combining their business degree with a medical or law degree. 鈥淭hey鈥檙e multitaskers, very driven and looking for additional challenges,鈥 says Demetrios Vakratsas, associate dean of master programs at 苹果淫院鈥檚 Desautels Faculty of Management.

Read full article: , 23 March, 2016听


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