

International Conference on Narrative: April 21 - 4

Saturday, April 21, 2018 17:30to19:00
Bronfman Building 1001 rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Montreal, QC, H3A 1G5, CA

The International Conference on Narrative will be held at 苹果淫院 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada from April 18 鈥 22, 2018.

Professor Lindsay Holmgren invites the Desautels Community to attend the Panels and Talks hosted at the Desautels Faculty of Management.

Please note that the plenary engagements are closed to the public due to limited seating in Moyse Hall.

1. Rhetorical Approaches to Character Narration

Location: 422
Moderator: James Phelan, The Ohio State University


  • Character Narration and Ideology in the Postcolonial Bildungsroman
    Siddharth Srikanth, The Ohio State University
  • Narrating Intertexts in Jesmyn Ward鈥檚 Salvage the Bones
    Kelly Marsh, Mississippi State University
  • A Rhetorical Approach to Narrative Audiences, Narratees, Effect, and Affect in Character Narration
    Sarah Copland, MacEwan University
  • Refracted Realism, Character Narration, and Teju Cole鈥檚 Open City
    Nicolas Potkalitsky, The Ohio State University

2. Genre Gone Wrong

Location: 423
Moderator: Julie Rivkin
, Connecticut College


  • Genre Passing in Charles Chesnutt鈥檚 House Behind the Cedars
    Julie Rivkin, Connecticut College
  • Sentimental Jeremiad: Callahan鈥檚 Wynema, A Child of the Forest
    Margaret Homans, Yale University
  • 鈥淎s a Woman I Have No Country鈥: Global Proto-Feminism and the Persian Travelogue
    Marie Ostby, Connecticut College

3. Contemporary Expressions of the Environmental Imagination

Location: 410
Moderator: Erin James, University of Idaho


  • 鈥淪low Stories鈥: Affective Experience in Plant Narratives
    Shannon Lambert, Ghent University
  • Weird Environments in Post-Apocalyptic Narratives
    Judith Eckenhoff, RWTH Aachen University
  • Chthonic Climate Fiction: Monsters From Beneath
    Gry Ulstein, Ghent University

4. Counterfactuality

Location: 340
Moderator: Jan Alber, RWTH Aachen


  • La La Land: Counterfactuality, Disnarration, and the Forked (Motorway) Path
    Marina Lambrou, Kingston University
  • Counterfactual Narratives as a Tool for Macro-Level Meaning Making
    Tabitha Holmes, SUNY New York
  • Counterfactuals and Draft Logic in Marcel Proust鈥檚 Un Amour de Swan
    Victoria Baena, Yale University

5. Videographic Criticism

Location: 360
Moderator: Gregory Brophy, Bishops University


  • The Nigerian 鈥淐omicast鈥 as New Media Narrative: Images of Violence
    Chukwamah Ignatius, Federal University, Nigeria
  • Screen Unreliabilities Beyond Definitions and Toward Effects
    Elizabeth Nixon, The Ohio State University
  • Narrating From the Couch or in Handcuffs: Naturalized Narration in Television Series
    Christian Stenico, University of Innsbruck
  • Enabling Impediments? Camera Perspective and Prosthetic Masculinity in Schnabel鈥檚 The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
    Gregory Brophy, Bishops University

6. Identifying the Self in/and the Other: An Epistemology of Empathy

Location: 178
Moderator: Elizabeth Corsun, Transylvania University


  • 鈥淭ougher than you imagine鈥: Perspective in Anne Bronte鈥檚 Agnes Grey
    Kristianne Kalata, Westminster College
  • 鈥淪he has made a fiction of herself!鈥: Narrative Identity in Sarah Waters鈥 Fingersmith
    Courtney Hopf, NYU London
  • 鈥淎s If You Are Me鈥: The Radical Embodied Empathy of Netflix鈥檚 The OA
    Elizabeth Corsun, Transylvania University

7. Time

Location: 210
Moderator: Martin Kreiswirth, 苹果淫院


  • Temporal Structure in A Visit From the Goon Squad
    Sean Yeager, Pacific Northwest College of Arts
  • Timely Coincidences: The Representation of Time and Chance in Paul Auster鈥檚 Moon Palace
    Yu-Hua Yen, University of York

8. The Rifle on the Wall

Location: 310
Moderator: Greta Matzner Gore, University of Southern California


  • Haruki Murakami: When the Loaded Gun Does Not Fire in 1Q84
    Elaine Lux-Koman, Nyack College
  • 鈥淎mbrosia has been found, but we don鈥檛 eat it鈥: The Forbidden Event in Viktor Schlovsky鈥檚 Zoo, or Letters Not About Love
    Nora Scholz, LMU Munich
  • Narrating Something By Chatting Along
    Anja Burghardt, Ludwig Maxmilian University of Munich

9. Fictionality/Memoir/Autobiography

Location: 245
Moderator: Aili Peeker, University of California, Santa Barbara


  • Presumed/ Delay Factuality: Fictionality in Auto-Fiction and Rhetorical Poetics
    Shang Biwu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  • Narratives of Self and Modes of Fictionality in Contemporary Auto/Biographical Literature
    Fiona Doloughan, The Open University
  • Our Bodies, Our Incoherent Selves: Shifting Concepts of Identity and Narrative in Contemporary Literature and Digital Games
    Julialicia Case, University of Cincinnati

10. New Tech Effects

Location: 179
Moderator: Ellen McCracken, University of Southern California, Santa Barbara


  • The Rhetoric of Screen Reading
    Ellen McCracken, University of Southern California, Santa Barbara
  • Towards a Narratology of Dynamic Digital Storytelling: The Impact of Locative Mobile Media
    Lai-Tze Fan, Lingnan University
  • The 鈥淣ew鈥 New Journalism: Long-Form Narrative Journalism in a Media Landscape Increasingly Driven by Shareable and Clickable Content
    Brett Popplewell, Carleton University
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