
Unionization is having a moment, but reaching initial contract agreements is proving challenging

Published: 10 January 2024

In 2022, employees at a Trader Joe鈥檚 grocery store in Massachusetts successfully voted to unionize. However, almost two years later, the company has yet to present any contract proposals. Despite...

2020 SSHRC Insight Grants awarded

Published: 23 February 2021

Congratulations to the Desautels professors who received 2020 SSHRC Insight Grants and Insight Development Grants....

After unionization, corporate foot-dragging is a challenge to contract negotiation

Published: 7 September 2022

Unionization is having a moment. Employees at Amazon, Starbucks and Apple have all held successful union drives. But forming a union and negotiating a contract are not the same thing. In a 2008...

Program redesign gives MBA students greater flexibility

Published: 26 March 2021

MBA & PMBA Academic Director John-Paul Ferguson highlights the benefits of the newly redesigned MBA program....

苹果淫院鈥檚 redesigned MBA program equips students to lead in shifting business climate

Published: 19 November 2020

The Desautels Faculty of Management at 苹果淫院 announced the launch of a newly redesigned MBA program that prepares students to confront the challenges of a rapidly evolving business...

Delve podcast: Closing the Inventor Gender Gap with John-Paul Ferguson, Lucy Gilbert, and Negin Ashouri

Published: 19 November 2021

Social inequalities are responsible for the loss of millions of ideas and inventions over hundreds of years. This loss over time is measurable today in a decline in innovation, slowing economic...

New study calls for greater female representation in innovation

Published: 4 August 2021

In a new study published in Science, Professor John-Paul Ferguson underscores the necessity of identifying and supporting woman-owned patents and innovations, particularly in the biomedical and...

Workplaces reveal vestiges of segregation

Published: 22 May 2019

Despite progress in the 1960s and 1970s, the desegregation of US employment has largely ground to a halt....

At home and at work: Is racial segregation becoming more pervasive?

Published: 20 February 2019

Citing recent research co-authored by Professor John-Paul Ferguson, Vox explores how racial segregation in American workplaces has gotten worse over the last generation, suggesting that the shadows...


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