
Hermina Harnagea

Assistant Professor
Hermina Harnagea
Contact Information
Email address: 
hermina.harnagea [at] mcgill.ca

Hermina Harnagea is a dental specialist and a healthcare manager, with a PhD in public health. Working in close collaboration with Quebec Ministry of Health and Social Services (MSSS), as well as with different communities and contributors to expand the network for integrated dental care, she was involved in non-dental care providers’ training for oral health. She provided expert advice and leaded the design and delivery of oral health initiatives in primary schools and was involved in the development and implementation of the oral healthcare program in Quebec long-term care facilities (CHSLD). Throughout research and teaching experiences, she encourages change initiatives that will ultimately strengthen community-level access to oral healthcare. Her specialized expertise on primary integrated care enhances the faculty outreach program and promotes current, evidence-based practice, facilitating engagement towards the development of new integrated models of oral healthcare.

  • MSc Health Administration
  • PhD Public Health
Areas of expertise: 
  • Primary Care
  • Integrated Care
  • Geriatrics
Awards, honours, and fellowships: 
  • 2015 Jean Yergeau Fonds for paper presentation, Faculté de médicine dentaire, Université de Montréal
  • 2015 Dr. Leake Student Bursary Award, Canadian Association of Public Health Dentistry
  • 2016 IRSPUM award
  • 2017 FESP student bursary
Selected publications: 
  • Harnagea H, Bedos C, Kabir R, Dawson A, Power F, Brown-Johnson A, Emami E. Voicing Beliefs on Global Leadership for Dentistry. Int Dent J. 2021 Oct 14:S0020-6539(21)00213-6.
  • Harnagea H, Couturier Y, Lamothe L, Emami E. L’intégration des services buccodentaires dans les soins primaires au Québec. Revue de santé publique, 2019; vol 31(6), 809-16.
  • Harnagea H, Lamothe L, Couturier Y, Emami E. How primary health care teams perceive the integration of oral health care into their practice: A qualitative study. PLoS ONE 2018; 13(10): e0205465.
  • Harnagea H. Collaboration interprofessonnelle pour la santé buccodentaire des personnes âgées – esquisse de mise en Å“uvre. Revue de santé publique, 2018; 3, 142.
  • Harnagea H, Lamothe L, Couturier Y, Esfandiari S, Charbonneau A, Voyer R, Emami E. From theoretical concepts to policies and applied programmes: The landscape of integration of oral health in primary care. BMC oral health, 2018; 18, 23.
  • Harnagea H, Couturier Y, Shrivastava R, Girard F, Lamothe L, Bedos CP, Emami E. Barriers and facilitators in the integration of oral health into primary care: a scoping review. BMJ Open. 2017 Sep 25;7(9):e016078.
  • Harnagea H. La santé buccodentaire : quel rôle pour l’infirmière au Québec? Revue de santé publique, 2016; vol 28 (6).
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