dean's corner /continuingstudies/taxonomy/term/1914/all en CoGeneration in Lifelong Learning /continuingstudies/article/cogeneration-lifelong-learning <p>These have been turbulent times and ones of both change and resilience for all of us. The COVID-19 pandemic, combined with other global factors – from accelerated climate change to war – are still wreaking havoc on this planet. Human society will prevail to be sure, but not without fundamentally rethinking how we live, work, and connect with one another. As climate change has already shown us all too clearly, generations of humans are fundamentally interconnected.</p> Thu, 03 Nov 2022 19:30:17 +0000 Carola Weil 11746 at /continuingstudies Back-To-School Reflections /continuingstudies/article/back-school-reflections <p>To me this time of year always feels a bit frenzied but also exciting, especially this year with more students returning to in-person learning as we are adapting to living with the COVID-19 pandemic. From my office window I can see the university campus and streets below filling with learners both eager and anxious to start the new academic year. Faculty and instructors are putting the finishing touches on their course outlines and thinking about how to engage their students in new ways.</p> Wed, 31 Aug 2022 15:03:23 +0000 Carola Weil 11677 at /continuingstudies