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Sonia Di Maulo

Sonia Di Maulo
Contact Information
Email address: 
sonia.dimaulo [at] mcgill.ca
SCS Course Lecturers

M.A., CRP (Certified ROI Professional)


Sonia Di Maulo is an award-winning performance improvement professional, author, and founder of Harvest Performance. She is passionate about helping leaders find the right approaches and processes to grow their teams’ potential through trust and collaboration.
Her Master’s degree in Educational Technology and a Bachelor’s degree received with distinction in Communication Studies are the foundations for her passion. In 2003 and 2011 Sonia received Awards of Excellence from the International Society of Performance Improvement for Outstanding Instructional Interventions.
She works with local, national, and global companies in diverse sectors with an important focus on delivering needs-based solutions that are meaningful, sustainable, and improve the way we work and connect. Using proven performance improvement practices and principles, Sonia helps organizations improve their work environment and team engagement. It’s all about relationships.

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