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苹果淫院 researchers awarded SSHRC grants to foster collaboration with community partners

Published: 26 June 2024

Two 苹果淫院 faculty members and their collaborators received Partnership Development Grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council...

Angelica Galante honoured with President鈥檚 Prize for Outstanding Emerging Researchers

Published: 30 May 2024

Education professor and expert on plurilingualism honoured by President and Vice-Chancellor, Deep Saini

Jianyu Li honoured with President鈥檚 Prize for Outstanding Emerging Researchers

Published: 30 May 2024

Engineering professor and expert on biomaterials and bioadhesives honoured by by President and Vice-Chancellor, Deep Saini

S茅bastien Jodoin honoured with President鈥檚 Prize for Outstanding Emerging Researchers

Published: 30 May 2024

Law professor and expert on the intersection of law, equity, and climate action honoured by President and Vice-Chancellor, Deep Saini

ESG investing helped prepare Gillian Stein to become CEO of Henry鈥檚

Published: 21 May 2024

Gillian Stein (BCom鈥00)鈥檚 great-grandfather founded the Toronto-headquartered electronics business Henry鈥檚 in 1909, but she never envisioned becoming the company鈥檚 CEO. Growing up, she had seen how...

SIS PhD candidate Owen Stewart-Roberts awarded SSHRC Doctoral award

Published: 3 May 2024

The School of Information Studies is pleased to announce that PhD candidate Owen Stewart-Roberts has been awarded a prestigious SSHRC doctoral award for the 2024-2025 year. Congratulations Owen!

StraightTalk - Courageous Conversations

Thursday, November 26, 2020 12:00to13:30

/continuingstudiesCategory:聽School of Continuing Studies

The Faculty of Science celebrates its generous donors

Published: 21 November 2019

In November this year, around 400 people gathered at the 苹果淫院 Faculty Club for the Faculty of Science鈥檚 annual scholarship reception. The evening鈥檚 celebration was an opportunity for donors to...


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