MDIIM /channels/taxonomy/term/8744/all en Disruption in the Workplace: Artificial Intelligence in the 21st Century /channels/channels/event/disruption-workplace-artificial-intelligence-21st-century-270062 <h2>2017 Marcel Desautels Integrated Management Symposium Series</h2> <h4>A Leadership Dialogue with</h4> Wed, 06 Sep 2017 14:48:33 +0000 webfull 130819 at /channels Learning the legal and corporate realities of sustainability /channels/news/learning-legal-and-corporate-realities-sustainability-218580 <p>For many people, sustainability in business is an afterthought. Not for me. Over the last two years, I have spent my time at <a href="/law/" target="_blank">ƻԺ’s law faculty</a> where my passion for sustainability has grown tremendously. Taking courses on environmental law and business law was an eye-opening experience. Often enough, the law responded too slowly to sustainability issues yet business had the capacity and resources to act immediately.</p> Wed, 17 Oct 2012 20:25:51 +0000 webfull 87786 at /channels Empathic Action & Social Entrepreneurship: Change the World and Your Life /channels/event/empathic-action-social-entrepreneurship-change-world-and-your-life-225410 <p style="text-align:justify">Neuroscience has recently confirmed that we are all born with an innate capacity for empathy.</p> Thu, 14 Mar 2013 18:05:26 +0000 webfull 95165 at /channels Turning a ‘Black Soul’ Green: How CSR Became a Mainstay of Business Education /channels/news/turning-%E2%80%98black-soul%E2%80%99-green-how-csr-became-mainstay-business-education-231811 <p>“I left Wall Street in 2004 when I decided I had a black soul,” says <strong>Stephanie Berger (MBA'06</strong>), a ƻԺ Desautels Faculty of Management MBA alumna who is now the senior manager for corporate responsibility and environment at Bell Canada. “I didn’t know much about sustainability back then, but I knew Wall Street wasn’t doing it right.”</p> Wed, 27 Nov 2013 16:44:00 +0000 webfull 100128 at /channels Applications of OR/MS in Healthcare: Patient-centered Examples /channels/event/applications-orms-healthcare-patient-centered-examples-252878 <p><i></i></p> Mon, 25 May 2015 17:36:54 +0000 webfull 110107 at /channels The right chemistry: workshop brings together grad students from different faculties for one common goal /channels/news/right-chemistry-workshop-brings-together-grad-students-different-faculties-one-common-goal-218228 <p>If women are from Venus and men are from Mars, as asserted in the 1992 best-selling book by American author and relationship counselor John Gray, then it might also hold true that chemists are from Saturn, engineers are from Mercury and business people are from Jupiter, so different are their respective worlds.</p> Tue, 25 Sep 2012 19:03:27 +0000 webfull 87224 at /channels Sacred Economics: Money, Gift and Society in the Age of Transition - An evening with Charles Eisenstein /channels/event/sacred-economics-money-gift-and-society-age-transition-evening-charles-eisenstein-224696 <p><em>This event is co-sponsored by the<strong> <strong>Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences</strong> </strong>and the<strong> <strong>Social Economy Initiative of the Marcel Desautel Institute for Integrated Management.</strong></strong></em></p> Tue, 29 Jan 2013 22:03:10 +0000 webfull 94409 at /channels MBA Diary: Do Good Or Do Well? /channels/channels/news/mba-diary-do-good-or-do-well-230937 <p>Scott Weatherhead, an MBA student at ƻԺ in Canada and the <a href="//" target="_blank">Social Economy Initiative's impact intern</a>, travels through North Korea and South Africa in search of a use for his theoretical knowledge.<br /></p> Sat, 05 Oct 2013 15:24:34 +0000 webfull 99170 at /channels Health Management Seminar: Risk and Cost in Healthcare Delivery Networks /channels/event/health-management-seminar-risk-and-cost-healthcare-delivery-networks-241130 <h2>Health Management Seminar</h2> <h2>Risk and Cost in Healthcare Delivery Networks:Data-driven and Analytical Models</h2> <p></p> <h3>Fernanda Bravo, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT Sloan School of Management</h3> <p></p> Thu, 15 Jan 2015 21:32:42 +0000 webfull 107558 at /channels Bringing ‘integrated management’ to students across ƻԺ through new Integrated Management Essentials courses /channels/news/bringing-%E2%80%98integrated-management%E2%80%99-students-across-mcgill-through-new-integrated-management-essentials-255821 <p>In September 2015, MDIIM launched the first of two new courses for undergraduate non-management students: <i>INTG 201 (Integrated Management Essentials 1) & INTG 202 (Integrated Management Essentials 2).</i><b> </b>The courses present the essentials of management (accounting, finance, information systems, marketing, operations, organizational behaviour and strategy) using an integrated approach, highlighting how organizations function as a whole and the importance of being able to work across functional and organizational boundaries.</p> Thu, 01 Oct 2015 17:07:32 +0000 webfull 112984 at /channels Fixing the other health care issue /channels/news/fixing-other-health-care-issue-218221 <p>Despite high per-capita spending, health care in Canada consistently underperforms, according to the Commonwealth Fund, which tracks indicators for accessibility, timeliness and outcomes across a number of developed countries. The system that is straining to meet demand today will face an even higher burden in the years ahead, as the population ages. A number of Canadian business schools are looking to meet this challenge by educating future health care managers to bring new perspectives to old problems.</p> Wed, 07 Nov 2012 21:44:17 +0000 webfull 88411 at /channels Second SEI Annual Homecoming Keynote /channels/event/second-sei-annual-homecoming-keynote-226956 <p><em><strong><img class="frame" style="float:left" src="/desautels/sites/" alt="" title="" />Championing Social Entrepreneurship</strong></em></p> Fri, 31 May 2013 15:05:31 +0000 webfull 96842 at /channels Can renewables become the dominant source of electricity in Canada and the USA? /channels/event/can-renewables-become-dominant-source-electricity-canada-and-usa-238751 <h2><b>Talks by MIT speaker John Reilly and CEA speaker Jim Burpee</b></h2> <h3><b>"Prospects and Challenges for High Penetration of Renewable Energy", John Reilly, MIT</b></h3> Mon, 08 Sep 2014 19:55:23 +0000 webfull 105124 at /channels MDIIM Associate Director Awarded 2015 Best Published Paper in Organization and Management Theory /channels/news/mdiim-associate-director-awarded-2015-best-published-paper-organization-and-management-theory-254928 <p>MDIIM Associate Director, Professor Saku Mantere, was recently awarded the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">2015 Best Published Paper</a> in Organization and Management Theory for his paper "The contraction of meaning: The combined effect of communication, emotions and materiality on sensemaking in the Stockwell shooting” with co-authors Joep P. Cornelissen and Eero Vaara. <a href="">Click here</a> to view the award winning paper. </p> Wed, 02 Sep 2015 16:43:25 +0000 webfull 112098 at /channels Social Economy Initiative (SEI) Information Session for MBA Students /channels/event/social-economy-initiative-sei-information-session-mba-students-218590 <p>If you are interested in social entrepreneurship and social innovation, you will not want to miss this opportunity to learn about the faculty's Social Economy Initiative (SEI).</p> <p><b>Date:</b> November 5, 2012</p> Thu, 18 Oct 2012 13:57:48 +0000 webfull 87796 at /channels