Jui Ramaprasad /channels/taxonomy/term/7415/all en Keeping up with tech innovation in the workplace /channels/channels/news/keeping-tech-innovation-workplace-297451 <p>Moderating the C2 Montreal panel entitled, <i>The Research of Tomorrow, Today,</i> Professor <a href="//www.mcgill.ca/desautels/jui-ramaprasad"><strong>Jui Ramaprasad</strong></a> explored the pace and impact of technological innovation with Sabrina Geremia, Country Director for Google.</p> <p>As Geremia underscored, upskilling and lifelong learning will become the norm for members of tomorrow’s workforce.</p> Tue, 28 May 2019 13:28:40 +0000 webfull 149586 at /channels Professor Ramaprasad appointed Associate Editor of Management Science /channels/channels/news/professor-ramaprasad-appointed-associate-editor-management-science-294919 <p><a href="//www.mcgill.ca/desautels/jui-ramaprasad">Jui Ramaprasad</a>, Associate Professor in Information Systems, was recently appointed as Associate Editor to <em>Management Science</em>.</p> Fri, 22 Feb 2019 17:50:40 +0000 webfull 146693 at /channels Jui Ramaprasad and Alain Pinsonneault awarded 2018 SSHRC Insight Grant /channels/channels/news/jui-ramaprasad-and-alain-pinsonneault-awarded-2018-sshrc-insight-grant-289307 <p>Congratulations to<strong> <a href="//www.mcgill.ca/desautels/jui-ramaprasad">Jui Ramaprasad</a></strong>, Associate Professor of Information Systems, and <a href="//www.mcgill.ca/desautels/alain-pinsonneault"><strong>Alain Pinsonneault</strong></a>, Professor of Information Systems, awarded the 2018 SSHRC Insight Grant “Examining Value Creation in the Digital Economy: A Platform Engagement Perspective”.</p> Wed, 05 Sep 2018 19:13:36 +0000 webfull 140542 at /channels Congratulations to Faculty Award recipients /channels/channels/news/congratulations-faculty-award-recipients-282610 <p>The Desautels Faculty of Management congratulates the following individuals who are the latest to be granted a Faculty Award for the period of September 1, 2017-August 31, 2020. The Faculty Awards recognise demonstrated research achievement and encourage the pursuance of future academic endeavors.</p> Fri, 10 Nov 2017 17:05:40 +0000 webfull 132578 at /channels Insights into premium app subscriptions /channels/channels/news/insights-premium-app-subscriptions-279750 <p>By popular demand, storytelling app Wattpad has introduced an ad-free option, but it comes with a cost of $5.99/month for users.</p> <p>Desautels professor <a href="//www.mcgill.ca/desautels/jui-ramaprasad"><strong>Jui Ramaprasad</strong></a> shares her expertise on paid premium versions of online platforms and in what contexts they work.</p> <p>According to Prof. Ramaprasad, many free apps have already converted users into paying subscribers through the introduction of a premium version, citing Spotify as a success story.</p> Thu, 19 Oct 2017 14:55:49 +0000 webfull 132056 at /channels Popularity or Proximity: Characterizing the Nature of Social Influence in an Online Music Community /channels/channels/news/popularity-or-proximity-characterizing-nature-social-influence-online-music-community-279292 <p><strong>Authors:</strong> Sanjeev Dewan, Yi-Jen (Ian) Ho and <a href="//www.mcgill.ca/desautels/jui-ramaprasad"><strong>Jui Ramaprasad</strong></a></p> <p><strong>Publication:</strong> <em>Information Systems Research</em>, Vol. 28, No. 1, March 2017</p> <p><strong>Abstract:</strong></p> <p>We study social influence in an online music community. In this community, users can listen to and “favorite” (or like) songs and follow the favoriting behavior of their social network friends—and the community as a whole. From an individual user’s perspective, two types of information on peer consumption are salient for each song: total number of favorites by the community as a whole and favoriting by their social network friends. Correspondingly, we study two types of social influence: popularity influence, driven by the total number of favorites from the community as a whole, and proximity influence, due to the favoriting behavior of immediate social network friends. Our quasi-experimental research design applies a variety of empirical methods to highly granular data from an online music community. Our analysis finds robust evidence of both popularity and proximity influence. Furthermore, popularity influence is more important for narrow-appeal music compared to broad-appeal music. Finally, the two types of influence are substitutes for one another, and proximity influence, when available, dominates the effect of popularity influence. We discuss implications for design and marketing strategies for online communities, such as the one studied in this paper.</p> <p><strong>Read full article:</strong> <a href="http://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/pdf/10.1287/isre.2016.0654" target="_blank"><em>Information Systems Research</em></a></p> <p> Wed, 18 Oct 2017 18:01:16 +0000 webfull 132032 at /channels Creating health awareness: A social media enabled collaboration /channels/news/creating-health-awareness-social-media-enabled-collaborationd-237066 <p><strong>Authors:</strong><span> Lapointe, Liette</span>; Ramaprasad, Jui; Vedel, Isabelle</p> <p><span><strong>Publication:</strong> Health and Technology</span></p> <p><strong>Abstract:</strong></p> Thu, 12 Jun 2014 18:30:21 +0000 webfull 103235 at /channels Music is social: From online social features to online social connectedness /channels/news/music-social-online-social-features-online-social-connectedness-260820 <p>Authors: <span>Krastel, Z., </span><strong><span>Bassellier, G., </span><span>Ramaprasad, J.</span></strong></p> <p>Publication: 2015 International Conference on Information Systems: Exploring the Information Frontier, ICIS 2015</p> <p>Abstract: </p> Wed, 11 May 2016 16:05:08 +0000 webfull 118776 at /channels The Real Value Of 7 Million Facebook Fans /channels/news/real-value-7-million-facebook-fans-172453 Tue, 08 Mar 2011 14:36:24 +0000 mark.styles@ƻԺ.Ca 81706 at /channels Women don't make first move when dating online /channels/news/women-dont-make-first-move-when-dating-online-258402 <p>All men please take note! In the online dating world, women do not like to send personal messages to initiate contact and later mating and would rather send "weak signals" than making the first move, a team of Indian-origin researchers has revealed.</p> <p>According to <strong>Jui Ramaprasad</strong>, assistant professor of information systems at ƻԺ, they still see that women don't make the "first move" online.</p> Mon, 08 Feb 2016 19:09:17 +0000 webfull 115851 at /channels How technology affects our search for love /channels/channels/news/how-technology-affects-our-search-love-242439 <p>Love in the digital era has changed many aspects of romance in our times. Richard Dagenais chats with Jui Ramaprasad, Assistant Professor at the Information Systems, Desautels Faculty of Management about how online dating sites have impacted the search for "love".<br />  <br /> Watch full interview: <a href="https://ca.news.yahoo.com/video/technology-affects-search-love-133503962.html" target="_blank">Yahoo News Canada</a>, February 10, 2014</p> Mon, 16 Feb 2015 21:57:32 +0000 webfull 108179 at /channels Chapters downtown bookstore to close; Victoria's Secret to replace it /channels/news/chapters-downtown-bookstore-close-victorias-secret-replace-it-237735 <p><span>The Chapters bookstore at Stanley and Ste. Catherine will be closed and transformed into a Victoria’s Secret lingerie store.</span></p> <p><span>... Despite the upgrades, bookstores are on their way out, said ƻԺ business and technology professor <strong>Jui Ramaprasad</strong>.<br /><br />Read full article: <a href="http://montreal.ctvnews.ca/chapters-downtown-bookstore-to-close-victoria-s-secret-to-replace-it-1.1938598" target="_blank">CTV News Montreal</a></span></p> Thu, 31 Jul 2014 19:10:59 +0000 webfull 103771 at /channels Tenure time /channels/channels/news/tenure-time-261013 <p>Tenure is granted to professors and librarians in recognition of excellent performance – and is the University’s strongest guarantee of academic freedom in research, teaching, and service. The year-long application process is a rigorous evaluation of performance.</p> <p>At its May 16, 2016, meeting, ƻԺ’s Board of Governors granted tenure to the 50 people in the 2015-2016 tenure cohort.</p> <p>Forty-three Assistant Professors have been promoted to the rank of Associate Professor with Tenure:</p> <p>Desautels Faculty of Management</p> Thu, 26 May 2016 15:40:05 +0000 webfull 119004 at /channels Three profs suggest nine good business reads /channels/news/three-profs-suggest-nine-good-business-reads-219636 <p>If you’ve wanted to catch up on some business reading and will actually have time over the holiday season, here are some suggestions from three Canadian business professors.</p> <p>… <b>Jui Ramaprasad</b>, Assistant Professor, Information Systems, Desautels Faculty of Management, ƻԺ</p> <p>The Long Tail by Chris Anderson</p> Wed, 02 Jan 2013 18:55:49 +0000 webfull 89411 at /channels Men’s online dating habits more bold than women’s, study finds /channels/news/men%E2%80%99s-online-dating-habits-more-bold-women%E2%80%99s-study-finds-258468 <p>With the social acknowledgment of popular dating apps such as Tinder and Bumble, online dating has quickly gained traction in recent years. But when human interaction moves online, according to a recent study, behavior might be lost in translation.</p> Wed, 10 Feb 2016 18:12:52 +0000 webfull 115926 at /channels