Guillaume Gervais /channels/taxonomy/term/6075/all en Quantum physics on tap /channels/news/quantum-physics-tap-251425 Fri, 15 May 2015 18:46:05 +0000 webfull 110024 at /channels Could black phosphorus be the next silicon? /channels/news/could-black-phosphorus-be-next-silicon-253806 <p>As scientists continue to hunt for a material that will make it possible to pack more transistors on a chip, new research from Æ»¹ûÒùÔº and Université de Montréal adds to evidence that black phosphorus could emerge as a strong candidate.</p> <p> Tue, 07 Jul 2015 14:20:25 +0000 webfull 111013 at /channels Québec Science honours three Æ»¹ûÒùÔº discoveries /channels/news/quebec-science-honours-three-mcgill-discoveries-257540 <p><em>By Chris Chipello</em></p> <p><img src="//" style="width:690px; height:226px" /></p> Mon, 04 Jan 2016 15:11:08 +0000 webfull 114869 at /channels When nanotech meets quantum physics in one dimension /channels/news/when-nanotech-meets-quantum-physics-one-dimension-232585 <p>How would electrons behave if confined to a wire so slender they could pass through it only in single-file?</p> <p> Thu, 23 Jan 2014 19:10:42 +0000 webfull 100811 at /channels