Data Mining /channels/taxonomy/term/3295/all en Expert: 2020 National Cyber Threat Assessment /channels/channels/news/expert-2020-national-cyber-threat-assessment-326374 <p>The Canadian Centre for Cyber Security has named China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea’s state-sponsored cyber activity as posing the “greatest strategic threats” to Canada’s critical infrastructure, intellectual property, and political events like elections.</p> Fri, 20 Nov 2020 20:20:24 +0000 webfull 165442 at /channels CSCDS Data Science Expo 2020 /channels/channels/event/cscds-data-science-expo-2020-302507 <p>To further our objectives of creating future-ready students and building a dynamic data science community, we are introducing our first CSCDS Data Science Expo.</p> Mon, 18 Nov 2019 19:28:08 +0000 webfull 155553 at /channels Ichiro Fujinaga – Human History Project - DH Work In Progress Series /channels/event/ichiro-fujinaga-%E2%80%93-human-history-project-dh-work-progress-series-232511 <p>Ichiro Fujinaga will talk about his new prosopography / social networking Human History Project. </p> Tue, 21 Jan 2014 01:01:18 +0000 webfull 100762 at /channels Andrew Piper – Novel Social Networks - DH Work In Progress Series /channels/event/andrew-piper-%E2%80%93-novel-social-networks-dh-work-progress-series-232512 <p>Andrew Piper will discuss the mapping of social networks in German novels.</p> Tue, 21 Jan 2014 01:02:30 +0000 webfull 100763 at /channels Talk: Data Mining for Privacy Protection /channels/event/data-mining-privacy-protection-264337 <p>Speaker: <strong>Benjamin Fung</strong>- School of Information Studies, ƻԺ</p> Thu, 24 Nov 2016 00:46:02 +0000 webfull 123220 at /channels Stephane Couture, Gabriella Coleman & Stefan Sinclair – Mining IRC Conversations - DH Work In Progress Series /channels/event/stephane-couture-gabriella-coleman-stefan-sinclair-%E2%80%93-mining-irc-conversations-dh-work-progress-serie-232510 <p>Stephane Couture, Gabriella Coleman & Stefan Sinclair will outline their prototype for mining IRC conversations in the first Work in Progress series for Winter 2014.</p> Tue, 21 Jan 2014 00:59:06 +0000 webfull 100761 at /channels