general pediatrics /channels/taxonomy/term/22973/all en Dr. Hema Patel Appointed Division Director of General Pediatrics /channels/channels/news/dr-hema-patel-appointed-division-director-general-pediatrics-323079 <p>The Department of Pediatrics is happy to announce, effective September 1, 2020, Dr. Hema Patel will commence her first 5-year mandate as Division Director for General Pediatrics.</p> Thu, 02 Jul 2020 13:10:08 +0000 webfull 161760 at /channels Welcome Drs. Matthew Donlan and Helena Evangeliou to the Department! /channels/channels/news/welcome-drs-matthew-donlan-and-helena-evangeliou-department-323054 <p>The Department of Pediatrics would like to introduce our newest members, Dr. Matthew Donlan and Dr. Helena Evangeliou.</p> <p>Dr. Matthew Donlan was appointed as an Assistant Professor in the Division of General Pediatrics.</p> Tue, 30 Jun 2020 13:10:48 +0000 webfull 161730 at /channels Welcome Drs. Stanley Hum and Bradley Osterman to the Department! /channels/channels/news/welcome-drs-stanley-hum-and-bradley-osterman-department-322143 <p>The Department of Pediatrics would like to introduce our newest members, Dr. Stanley Hum and Dr. Bradley Osterman.</p> <p><b>Dr. Robert Stanley Hum</b> was appointed Associate Professor in the Department of Pediatrics, Division of General Pediatrics. Dr. Hum is transitioning to be a pediatric hospitalist and child protection pediatrician, coming from Columbia University Medical center where he was an Associate Professor of Pediatrics, practicing pediatric critical care for the past 12 years. Dr Hum’s training has taken him to Toronto, Massachusetts, Vancouver and New Jersey.</p> Thu, 14 May 2020 15:17:03 +0000 webfull 160678 at /channels