Reuven Brenner /channels/taxonomy/term/11720/all en Uncovering the costs and benefits of sports gambling /channels/channels/news/uncovering-costs-and-benefits-sports-gambling-288573 <p>In a piece for <em>The Wall Street Journal</em>, Professor <a href="//"><strong>Reuven Brenner</strong></a> makes the case for legalized sports gambling – an activity that has only recently been legalized in the US through a Supreme Court ruling.</p> <p>“As in sports, so in high culture – prohibitions, bad regulations and badly imposed taxes destroy businesses and have long-term unintended consequences,” explains Brenner.</p> Tue, 07 Aug 2018 19:15:47 +0000 webfull 139413 at /channels Professor Brenner on anti-Semitism /channels/channels/news/professor-brenner-anti-semitism-287145 <p>In an opinion piece for<em> The Wall Street Journal</em>, Desautels Professor <a href="//"><strong>Reuven Brenner </strong></a>traces the early manifestations of anti-Semitism into the present, suggesting that the constant in all of this is the Jewish people’s opposition to dominant ideologies of a given time.</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">Read more</a></p> Fri, 11 May 2018 15:55:23 +0000 webfull 137945 at /channels Professor Brenner on how Asian countries can overcome democratic deficits /channels/channels/news/professor-brenner-how-asian-countries-can-overcome-democratic-deficits-285628 <p>In a piece for <em>Asia Times</em>, Professor <strong><a href="//">Reuven Brenner</a></strong> points to history and other geographic contexts to demonstrate how Asian countries, such as Hong Kong and Taiwan, can redress democratic deviances.</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">Read more</a></p> Mon, 05 Mar 2018 21:13:49 +0000 webfull 136129 at /channels Professor Brenner invited to prestigious panel /channels/channels/news/professor-brenner-invited-prestigious-panel-284649 <p>Professor <a href="//"><strong>Reuven Brenner</strong></a> was invited to present on a panel that discussed venture capital in Quebec’s biotech and life sciences industry. The high-profile event was attended by Quebec Ministers Mr. Gaétan Barrette and Ms. Dominique Anglade, while the discussion was moderated in part by Mr. Pierre-Marc Johnson, former Premier of Quebec. </p> Mon, 12 Feb 2018 16:41:34 +0000 webfull 134975 at /channels The education reformation /channels/channels/news/education-reformation-282959 <p>In a piece for <em>American Affairs</em>, Professor <strong><a href="//">Reuven Brenner</a></strong> takes a pulse of contemporary U.S. education and outlines some of the key challenges in this area, including skewed high school graduation rates and the lack of rigorous training to develop skills and discipline.</p> <p>As a solution, Prof. Brenner proposes an accelerated education program that is complemented by new institutions to better prepare students for their lives and careers.</p> Mon, 20 Nov 2017 20:35:48 +0000 webfull 132954 at /channels Technological advancement means the rethinking of language /channels/channels/news/technological-advancement-means-rethinking-language-282683 <p>As society continues to embrace technological advancement, we tend to overlook how the words that our ancestors used have lost their meaning. In an article for <em>Asia Times</em>, Desautels professor <a href="//"><strong>Reuven Brenner</strong></a> explores what happens when the words used for the physical realm are applied to a digitized society, and how the fit is not always a natural one. Prof. Brenner illustrates his point by referring to the legal system’s struggles with interpreting Google’s business practices.</p> Tue, 14 Nov 2017 16:24:32 +0000 webfull 132652 at /channels Is bitcoin the new gold? /channels/channels/news/bitcoin-new-gold-282492 <p>Bitcoin has been the target of much speculation among financial circles with some experts alleging that it has the potential to become comparable to gold, a currency legitimized through social convention.</p> <p>In a piece for <em>Asia Times</em>, Desautels professor <strong><a href="//">Reuven Brenner</a></strong> explores what it takes for a new monetary yardstick to emerge, and argues that, historically, social convention must be combined with scarcity.</p> Tue, 07 Nov 2017 17:32:14 +0000 webfull 132483 at /channels Inflation or recession? The US Fed tries to untangle a financial mystery /channels/channels/news/inflation-or-recession-us-fed-tries-untangle-financial-mystery-268912 <p>A <em>Weekly Standard</em> op-ed examines the way the Fed is trying to tame a $4-trillion quantitative easing problem in case another recession hits.</p> <p>The piece quotes Desautels professor <strong><a href="//">Reuven Brenner</a></strong>’s withering criticism of current policies in <em>American Affairs</em> (in which he likens them more to astrology than science) but allows that the Fed is trying to make sense of a vastly confusing set of circumstances: low unemployment should be pushing wages and inflation upward, but it’s not happening.</p> Tue, 11 Jul 2017 15:13:26 +0000 webfull 129204 at /channels Land-based spells bring crises /channels/news/land-based-spells-bring-crises-224636 <p><b> </b>Although John Law's name is now associated with the 18th century South Sea Bubble, the problem he wanted to solve was the same that central banks are struggling with today: "How much money and credit can be created without bringing about inflation, destabilizing the economy, or destabilizing the international financial system?" Law's proposal then was that a "land-collateralized" note issue would be the solution.</p> <p><i>-Article by <strong>Reuven Brenner</strong></i></p> Mon, 28 Jan 2013 15:36:26 +0000 webfull 94352 at /channels Forget Pacquiao In Macau, It's Time For Floyd Mayweather To Leave Las Vegas /channels/news/forget-pacquiao-macau-its-time-floyd-mayweather-leave-las-vegas-231781 <p>Last night’s fight between Manny Pacquiao and Brandon Rios interested me from a boxing perspective but its real intrigue was what it suggests might be possible for another man – Floyd Mayweather, Jr.</p> <p>... This is nothing new – in fact, gambling, centuries ago in Europe, was in the same position that boxing is in today– subsidizing another non-profitable sector.  In their outstanding book A World Of Chance: Betting On Religion, Games, Wall Street, <strong>Reuven Brenner</strong>, Gabrielle A. Brenner and Aaron Brown write:</p> Mon, 25 Nov 2013 21:33:23 +0000 webfull 100099 at /channels Brave hearts and wise heads /channels/news/brave-hearts-and-wise-heads-239211 <p>Demography is not destiny, but it sheds light on the events leading to these two referenda, the Quebec one taking place in 1995, and the Scottish one last week, and has also implications concerning the changing voting ages around the world. In most countries the voting age is 18. However, the Scottish National Party's voted unanimously in October 2007 to lower it to 16, which subsequently became law. Argentina's Cristina Kirchner's party did the same in 2012, in preparation for the 2013 elections.</p> Mon, 29 Sep 2014 18:50:18 +0000 webfull 105579 at /channels Forget What Trump Can Do, Voters Likely Won't Allow It /channels/news/forget-what-trump-can-do-voters-likely-wont-allow-it-259473 <p>What are the main issues that David Cameron negotiated with the EU and put up for the coming referendum?</p> Thu, 03 Mar 2016 18:40:15 +0000 webfull 117154 at /channels A new magazine for US Conservatives /channels/news/new-magazine-us-conservatives-266691 <p>An <em>Asia Times</em> piece quotes columnist David P. Goldman that the Trump administration rose from the ashes of the Republican and Democrat intellectual elites. “He was a complete outsider,” Goldman says, “a totally improbable candidate, who was elected because the establishment fell into such discredit with the voters.”</p> Wed, 01 Mar 2017 16:06:17 +0000 webfull 125860 at /channels Dobrobyt zależy od stopnia odpowiedzialności rządu przed obywatelami /channels/news/dobrobyt-zalezy-od-stopnia-odpowiedzialnosci-rzadu-przed-obywatelami-229404 <p>Głosować na prawicę, czy lewicę? To prawie bez znaczenia, gdy wyborcy szybko mogą rozliczyć polityków. Dobrobyt nie zależy od wyniku wyborów, ale od tego, czy funkcjonują mechanizmy egzekwowania odpowiedzialności rządzących przed obywatelami i czy ludzie z pomysłami mają dostęp do kapitału – uważa prof. <strong>Reuven Brenner</strong>.</p> <p>Read full article (in Polish): <a href="" target="_blank"></a>, July 22, 2013<br /> </p> Mon, 05 Aug 2013 15:07:06 +0000 webfull 97555 at /channels Lettre Ouverte aux Investisseurs Irresponsables /channels/news/lettre-ouverte-aux-investisseurs-irresponsables-237503 <p><span>J’ai toujours considéré l’investissement et la Bourse comme l’une des activités humaines parmi les plus stimulantes qui soient.</span></p> <p><span>... </span><span>Comme le dit l’économiste canadien <strong>Reuven Brenner</strong>, le progrès économique et social repose d’abord et avant tout sur notre capacité à marier le talent et le capital.</span><br /><br /><span>Read full article: </span><a href="" target="_blank">Orientation Finance</a></p> Thu, 17 Jul 2014 19:01:05 +0000 webfull 103572 at /channels