
Invention 2019-031

Two prostate cancer biomarkers help identify metastatic tumors

Two genomic biomarkers that will allow clinicians to identify aggressive prostate cancers and provide the right level of treatment have been identified at 苹果淫院.

Market Need

Published on: 11 Oct 2019

Invention 2018-066

Random-access microscopy for high-throughput optical screening

A new optical based high-throughput screening platform for cardiac and neuronal cells was developed at 苹果淫院.

Market Need

Published on: 11 Oct 2019

Invention 13016

A mathematical model with medical imaging to optimize visualization of heart myofiber geometry

A mathematical model to construct a more accurate geometry of heart myofibers was generated at 苹果淫院.

Market Need

Published on: 11 Oct 2019

Invention 2019-098

Identification of the receptor for Lionfish venom

The receptor through which Lionfish venom excites nociceptors has been identified at 苹果淫院.

Market Need

Published on: 11 Oct 2019

Invention 15047

Biocompatible and toughened multilayered bone graft

A new type of bone graft for the treatment of large bone defects has been developed at 苹果淫院.

Market Need

Published on: 11 Oct 2019

Invention 2018-007

Production of induced pluripotent stem cells from renal epithelial cells with a novel collection kit

Induced pluripotent stem cells have been generated from a new renal epithelial cell collection kit that was developed at 苹果淫院.

Market Need

Published on: 10 Oct 2019

Invention 2019-053

Engineered strain of BCG vaccine for safe quality control during TB tests

A positive control of Tuberculosis tests that can be safely handled in ordinary laboratories has been generated at 苹果淫院.

Market Need

Published on: 10 Oct 2019

Invention 14075

Novel, dual-targeted small molecule inhibitor of PKC and Aurora A kinase against cancer

A small molecule inhibitor of protein kinase c and aurora a kinase in cancer models has been produced at 苹果淫院.

Market Need

Published on: 10 Oct 2019

Invention 11079

Two-dimensional optical spectrometer with dual pulse shapers

A novel 2D optical spectrometer that overcomes traditional spectrometry issues has been developed at 苹果淫院.

Market Need

Published on: 10 Oct 2019

Invention 15018

Inhibition of MCL-1 with small molecules in multiple cancers

A synthetic small molecule targeting MCL-1 in breast and non-small cell lung cancer carcinomas has been developed at 苹果淫院.

Market Need

Published on: 10 Oct 2019

Invention 15009

Targeting dopamine receptor D2 to inhibit cancer cell proliferation in PDAC patients

A novel PDAC biomarker has been identified at 苹果淫院, along with the use of pharmacological inhibitory molecules as a new PDAC treatment.

Market Need

Published on: 10 Oct 2019

Invention 2018-070

Improving treatment response prediction and monitoring for tumors in medical imaging

A method to quantify tumor characteristics during treatment using image analysis and machine learning approaches has been developed at 苹果淫院.

Market Need

Published on: 10 Oct 2019

Invention 10082

Inhibition of bacterial resistance to aminoglycosides with novel prodrugs

Novel prodrugs to inhibit the development of bacterial resistance to the important antibiotic aminoglycoside were developed at 苹果淫院

Market Need

Published on: 10 Oct 2019

Invention 12057

Method of injecting collagen gels with a variety of biomedical uses

A rapid and robust system to inject dense collagen gels for tissue scaffolding and drug delivery has been developed at 苹果淫院.

Market Need

Published on: 10 Oct 2019

Invention 2018-040

Synthesis of water-soluble sequence-controlled polymers

A versatile technique to introduce chemical functionality in nucleic acids and sequence-controlled polymers has been developed at 苹果淫院.

Market Need

Published on: 10 Oct 2019


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