

"Mutual Fund's R2 as Predictor of Performance," Review of Financial Studies

Published: 7 March 2013

Authors: Amihud, Yakov;聽Goyenko, Ruslan Y.

Publication: Review of Financial Studies, March 2013


We propose that fund performance can be predicted by its R2, obtained from a regression of its returns on a multifactor benchmark model. Lower R2 indicates greater selectivity, and it significantly predicts better performance. Stock funds sorted into lowest-quintile lagged R 2 and highest-quintile lagged alpha produce significant annual alpha of 3.8%. Across funds, R2 is positively associated with fund size and negatively associated with its expenses and manager's tenure. 漏 2013 The Author 2013. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Society for Financial Studies. All rights reserved.

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