
Dr. Hirsh Rosenfeld Annual Distinguished Public Lecture in Family Medicine

Jeudi, 19 é, 2015 19:00à20:00

Dr. Hirsh Rosenfeld Annual Distinguished Public Lecture in Family Medicine "Why your tears may be normal in the office of a family doctor." avec Dr. Mark Yaffe, MD/familymedCatégorie: Départ. de...

Séminaire - 'Investigating interventions and phenomena with a realist lens: critical realism and realistic evaluation in action' avec Dre. Emilie Robert

Jeudi, 16 mars, 2017 12:30à14:00

Séminaire - 'Investigating interventions and phenomena with a realist lens: critical realism and realistic evaluation in action' avec Dre.Classroom Audiovisual Demo for Instructors, CA, CA...


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