
Experts: NAFTA negotiations in Montreal

Published: 22 January 2018

A sixth round of NAFTA negotiations is taking place this week in Montreal, with key players say the focus is on constructive discussion.鈥 (CTV News)...

Cuba moves could drive Canadian tourism

Published: 22 December 2014

Cuba has always held a certain allure for the traveller: the music, the food, the beaches and even the cigars....聽苹果淫院 business professor Karl Moore said that while Canadian sun...

What does future hold for Laura clothing stores now that they are asking for creditor protection?

Published: 7 August 2015

Professor Ken Lester talks about what the retailer Laura needs to do to survive in this market. Listen to the interview: CBC News,聽August 5, 2015

Bombardier among companies using legal tax havens at expense of home country

Published: 22 December 2014

The problem is not that Bombardier Inc. played a complex shell game since at least 2010 by refinancing and redirecting US$500 million of its financing activities to Luxembourg, a notorious tax...

This week in business with Ken Lester

Published: 30 October 2015

The debut of new weekly series in the business world. Designed as a look ahead in the week of business, we will be chatting with Mr. Ken Lester, 苹果淫院 Professor and CEO of Lester Asset Management...


Published: 3 November 2015

Bombardier et le gouvernement du Qu茅bec ont cr茅茅 une soci茅t茅 en commandite pour y placer tous les actifs li茅s 脿 la C聽Series et le milliard de dollars am茅ricains offert par Qu茅bec pour mener 脿 bien...

Paris attacks (November 13, 2015)

Published: 13 November 2015

Many people were reported dead聽Friday night following several separate attacks聽in and around聽Paris....


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