
INDG 450: Land-Based Education

Published: 8 April 2019

Indigenous Studies is once again running our summer field course, INDG 450, from July 8th until August 5th. This course focuses on Rotinonhsonni land-based pedagogies, Oh茅n:ton Karihw谩tehkwen ...

Beading Circle with Skawennati

Friday, March 29, 2019 12:00to15:00

Join us at 3463 Peel for a beading circle with Skawennati, though primarily known for her electronic and futuristic work, Skawennati is also a wonderful beader!...

Indigenous Machinima: Film Screening

Thursday, March 28, 2019 17:00to19:30


The Importance of Indigenous Spirituality

Wednesday, March 13, 2019 17:00to19:00

Dr Blair Stonechild is a professor of Indigenous Studies at First Nations University in Regina, Sask.Moot Court, New Chancellor Day Hall, 3644 Peel St, Montreal, QC, CA/indigenous-studiesCategory:...

Origins, Interpretations, and Impacts鈥: On the Use of Indigenous Imagery in North American Sport

Thursday, November 8, 2018 13:00to14:30

In the wake of the #ChangeTheName campaign, led by Tomas Jirousek and other Indigenous students at 苹果淫院, the Indigenous Studies Program is taking this as an opportunity to discuss the use of...

釔冡搫釔冡懄 釔娽晲釗囜悆釕 釔冡摫釖搨釙 釔娽捇釖 釗瘁搰釞翅悐釖愥懄 - Inuit Women in The Arts

Published: 30 October 2018

On September 25th, as part of Indigenous Awareness Weeks 2018, the Indigenous Studies Program hosted four incredible Inuit women in involved in the arts: Heather Igloliorte (釗晥 釔冡挕釗椺摃釔呩枀釕), Niap...

Prof. Limin Jao speaks to CBC about REDress project honouring missing and murdered Indigenous women

Published: 22 October 2018

Prof. Limin Jao, of our Department of Integrated Studies in Education, spoke with the CBC this week regarding the recent REDress exhibition held at Montreal's Trafalgar School for Girls.

Indigenous Awareness Weeks 2018

Published: 19 September 2018

Indigenous Awareness Week has been expanded this year to Indigenous Awareness Weeks, now spanning the last two weeks of September.聽...


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