
Emmanuelle Vaast appointed as Senior Editor for Information Systems Research (ISR) Journal

Published: 22 January 2016

Congratulations to Professor Emmanuelle Vaast on her recent appointement as Senior Editor for Information Systems Research (ISR) Journal for a three year term starting January 1, 2016.

Professors Faraj and Vaast's Insight Grant Ranked First by Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council

Published: 27 September 2013

Desautels Professors Samer Faraj and Emmanuelle Vaast’s Insight Grant to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), entitled: "Complex Collaboration in Communities of Innovation,"...

"Talking about Technology: The Emergence of a New Actor Category Through New Media," MIS Quarterly

Published: 20 November 2013

Authors: Vaast, Emmanuelle; Davidson, Elizabeth J.; Mattson, Thomas Publication: MIS Quarterly, 2013 Abstract:

Redéfinir son travail dans une entreprise dématérialisée

Published: 24 September 2012

Flexibilité, autonomie, mais aussi disponibilité et rentabilité sont les maîtres mots du bureau 2.0. Le bureau de la chercheuse Emmanuelle Vaast, au cinquième étage de la faculté de gestion...

Congratulations to Associate Professor Emmanuelle Vaast of Information Systems on receiving the 2016 Best Paper Award by Information & Organization

Published: 6 October 2016

Congratulations to Associate Professor Emmanuelle Vaast of Information Systems on receiving the 2016 Best Paper Award by Information & Organization for "Speaking as One, But Not Speaking up:...


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