
2015 苹果淫院 Dobson Cup - Business Plans Due

Thursday, February 19, 2015 12:00toThursday, February 26, 2015

Do you have a great business idea? The 苹果淫院 Dobson Cup Start-UP Competition is you opportunity to present your business and social enterprise ideas to seasoned business experts for feedback,...

Startup Lab (Dobson Centre)

Monday, March 21, 2016 12:00to15:00

Every Monday and Tuesday 12:00 鈥 3:00 PM, any entrepreneur can come into the Research Commons (in 苹果淫院 Redpath Library) and work on their startup.McLennan-Redpath Library complex, CA, QC,...

苹果淫院 startup lab

Tuesday, April 26, 2016 12:00to15:00

Introducing the very first 苹果淫院 Startup Lab! Every Monday and Tuesday 12:00 鈥 3:00 PM, any entrepreneur can come into the Research Commons (in聽苹果淫院's Redpath Library building) and work on their...

Succ猫s acc茅l茅r茅 pour une entreprise appuy茅e par un programme de 苹果淫院

Published: 22 September 2016

Lanc茅e l鈥檃n dernier, la jeune entreprise Key2Access peut d茅j脿 compter sur une expertise vari茅e au sein m锚me de la famille qui l鈥檃 fond茅e聽: Sarah est 茅tudiante en droit 脿 苹果淫院, Sophie est dipl么m茅e...

Selling textbooks without the hassle of the haggle

Published: 18 January 2017

As the new semester rolls in, so does a new textbook-exchanging app. Venndor, founded by recent 苹果淫院 graduates Anthony Heinrich, Julien Marlatt and Tynan Davis, is a classifieds app with the goal...

Kickstart MDC

Published: 28 October 2013

Interested in Entrepreneurship?...

Ing茅nieurs: du laboratoire au march茅

Published: 10 November 2014

[苹果淫院 Dobson Cup Start-UP Competition, Second Place Winner in For Profit track: LifePack is a light-weight, powerfully insulating, environmentally-friendly shipping container for temperature...

Feature: Solar backpack to boost learning for poor Kenyan children

Published: 25 September 2015

From hunger and malnutrition to striking teachers keeping them off normal learning for many days, a Kenyan child goes through diverse challenges to succeed in education.... While various state and...

苹果淫院 startup lab

Monday, April 11, 2016 12:00to15:00

Introducing the very first 苹果淫院 Startup Lab! Every Monday and Tuesday 12:00 鈥 3:00 PM, any entrepreneur can come into the Research Commons (in聽苹果淫院's Redpath Library building) and work on their...


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