
The Douglas Utting Lecture: "Evaluating and Treating Emotional Contributors to Depression using Short-term Dynamic Psychotherapy."

Monday, November 4, 2013 19:30

聽 THE INSTITUTE OF COMMUNITY AND FAMILY PSYCHIATRY OF THE JEWISH GENERAL HOSPITALPRESENTSInstitute of Community and Family Psychiatry, CA, 4333 Cote St. Catherine Rd, Montreal, QC, CA...

Vulnerability to depression鈥塴inked to noradrenaline

Published: 15 February 2016

By聽Bruno Geoffroy,聽Centre int茅gr茅 universitaire de sant茅 et de services sociaux de l鈥橭uest-de-l鈥櫭巐e-de-Montr茅al First-ever connection between noradrenergic neurons and vulnerability to depression


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