
Don't Expect an End to Dual-Class Bombardier Shares: expert

Published: 30 October 2015

Bombardier is reportedly getting a helping hand from the government of Quebec, but Karl Moore, Professor of Business Strategy, ƻԺ says you shouldn't expect any change to the dual...

Bombardier among companies using legal tax havens at expense of home country

Published: 22 December 2014

The problem is not that Bombardier Inc. played a complex shell game since at least 2010 by refinancing and redirecting US$500 million of its financing activities to Luxembourg, a notorious tax...

Bombardier expects tough 2016 before transformation hits stride by 2020

Published: 25 November 2015

Bombardier has warned of another challenging year in 2016 before the transformation it has launched, including cost-cutting efforts and shifts in production to low-cost centres, deliver a financial...

$1 billion enough to keep Bombardier going, but company will need to sell planes to survive

Published: 2 November 2015

With Bombardier struggling with a multi-billion dollar loss this year, the Quebec government is riding to the rescue....

2014, année mouvementée pour nombre d'entreprises québécoises

Published: 20 January 2015

Plusieurs entreprises québécoises ont connu une année mouvementée en 2014; si certaines ont réalisé d'importantes acquisitions, d'autres ont procédé à des suppressions d'emplois massives, se sont...

Bombardier’s financial fortunes are slipping, but some investors are up for the risk.

Published: 18 December 2015

While high risk, airplane maker’s preferred shares could offer high reward. Bombardier Inc. is teetering on the edge of a financial precipice.

Quebec’s US$1B deal gives Bombardier ‘breathing room’

Published: 3 November 2015

Bombardier says a US$1-billion lifeline from the Quebec government will help complete development of the CSeries and restore customer faith in the delayed and costly commercial jet program. ...


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