
Students help shape the 苹果淫院 Climate & Sustainability Strategy

From drafting the actions to envisioning the future, student involvement is key from start to finish

Close your eyes and imagine 苹果淫院 in 2040. What do you see?

Resilient plant species blanket the lower field, their dense root systems enhancing soil permeability and improving the campuses鈥 rainwater management. Sitting areas made of carbon-sequestering materials line walkways, inviting students to pause between classes and watch staff gardeners tend their plots鈥攖he urban agriculture enhancing the community鈥檚 connection to local food systems. Multi-stream waste bins always near make it easy to keep our spaces free of landfill materials.

These visions, embedded in the recently launched 苹果淫院 Climate & Sustainability Strategy 2020-2025, were conceptualized largely by 苹果淫院 students during internships with the 苹果淫院 Office of Sustainability.

Launched on Dec. 10, the Climate & Sustainability Strategy aims to guide the University to 2025 and align with the latest in climate science. From start to finish鈥攆rom consultation to publication鈥攖he Climate & Sustainability Strategy was shaped by student contributions.

Conceptual image by Fabrice Grenier-Arellano
A water retention zone to sustainably manage storm water on campus and create space for the community to learn more about these practices. Conceptual image by Fabrice Grenier-Arellano

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Pursuing a priority

In her role as Sustainability Strategy Intern, recent graduate Erin Wen worked closely with the Office of Sustainability staff through the planning, consultation, and drafting phases. This experience, she said, was 鈥渁s if I was working my way up within the hierarchy of 苹果淫院, as I moved from student-led projects to contributing to a higher level, all-encompassing document.鈥

Sustainability was a priority of Wen鈥檚 prior to her arrival at 苹果淫院. She was first introduced to while in high school and sought then to learn more about how the three pillars of sustainability鈥攅nvironmental, economic, and social鈥攁re intertwined. Her studies in Geography鈥"an inherently interdisciplinary field,鈥 according to Wen鈥攁t 苹果淫院 allowed her to continue learning 鈥渁bout how the human and physical spheres interact at different scales and how problems can be compounded through different feedbacks and relationships.鈥

Throughout her degree, Wen complemented her studies by joining and eventually acting as president of , a student group that works to divert food waste and reduce food insecurity by collecting and redistributing leftovers to local homeless shelters and soup kitchens. Wen was also a Sustainable Event Consultant, volunteering with the Office of Sustainability to guide 苹果淫院 event planners on sustainable best practices.

Leading the way

鈥淚 think student involvement pushed the content of the Strategy to become more ambitious,鈥 Wen says.

鈥淓ach year throughout my undergrad, I witnessed more student-led initiatives begin while the student body became more vocal with regard to sustainability and climate change on campus,鈥 she says. 鈥淚 truly believe that students are leading the way in 苹果淫院鈥檚 sustainability movement.鈥

During the public consultation process, which began in March 2020, students made up the largest portion of respondents, Wen says. 鈥淭hey provided the most critical, as well as aspirational, feedback.鈥

Like many around that time, Wen was faced with the added challenge of adapting to remote studying and working.

鈥淎dapting to virtual consultations was exciting because I had the opportunity to exercise my creativity and research skills!鈥 Wen says. 鈥淔rom the get-go I was eager to hear or read what the community had to say, but the virtual consultations granted more flexibility, variety, and anonymity for respondents.鈥

鈥淭his experience definitely made me think more about accessibility,鈥 she continued. 鈥淚 thought more about who we were able to reach and how community members could reach us as people were moving around the world to different time zones with different technological capacities.鈥

Visualizing goals

Once Wen鈥檚 work was done, Architecture students Fabrice Grenier-Arellano and Sahil Adnan stepped in to visualize the objectives and actions embedded in the document. Grenier-Arellano explained that he and Adnan were guided through the contents of the Strategy by Office of Sustainability staff and were then able to tap into the expertise of other members of the 苹果淫院 community to fully conceptualize the physical impact of 苹果淫院鈥檚 sustainability commitments.

Conceptual image by Fabrice Grenier-Arellano
McIntyre Green Roof showcases a climate resilient infrastructure where urban agriculture and endemic pollinators are at the forefront. Conceptual image by Fabrice Grenier-Arellano

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鈥淲orking on the Strategy with the 苹果淫院 Office of Sustainability complemented my studies greatly,鈥 says Grenier-Arellano. 鈥淏eing on the internship and working [on] how to implement sustainable features, like permeable surfaces and urban agriculture and green renewable energy鈥攁ll these ideas surrounding the built environment and sustainability鈥攔eally impacted my thoughts and my process and have been working their way to my academic proposal this semester.鈥

As with Wen, sustainability has been a cornerstone of Grenier-Arellano鈥檚 experience at 苹果淫院. He was a part of the group of 苹果淫院 and Concordia students who travelled to China to compete in the , in which they built a prize-winning solar-powered house.

鈥淪tudying architecture now, I try to inform my design decisions with environmental and social sustainability, and working with the 苹果淫院 Office of Sustainability has shown me that I could not only learn about these wonderful commitments that 苹果淫院 is making, but that I can be a part of that process, which is always really so rewarding,鈥 Grenier-Arellano says.

Designing the document

Beyond developing the Strategy鈥檚 contents, 苹果淫院 students also played key roles in packaging and illustrating the material. Graphic Design intern Roelle Santa Maria designed the 60-page document, using photographs from Multimedia intern Benjamin Joppke, while Samantha Ling, communications intern, assisted with the communications campaign.

鈥淚 think it鈥檚 great that we as students can be a part of these sustainable commitments and somehow [make] a contribution to the betterment of our campus,鈥 Grenier-Arellano says.
I think it鈥檚 also a great experience for our future careers 鈥 This is definitely a great precedence for what we can do in the field in whichever industry we work in.鈥

And with the planning now behind us, Wen knows the real work鈥攖urning the concepts into reality鈥攈as just begun.

鈥淢y hope is that students will continue to contribute to reaching the Strategy鈥檚 goals, while also continuing to voice and amplify their constructive criticism and innovative ideas to push the boundaries of what can be done in the coming years.鈥

Kelsey Litwin is Communications Officer in the 苹果淫院 Office of Sustainability

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