

L’Oreal’s Brandstorm - case competition

Tuesday, November 7, 2023 13:30to14:30

Brandstorm is L’Oreal’s longest running signature innovation case competition which is dedicated to solving real world business issues which organizations are facing in regards to innovation and technological integration.

The competition allows for a unique learning experience for student participants which can include unique learning paths, opportunities to network with C suite executive within L’Oreal Canada and even travel to London England for the international finals of the competition.

This years topic in particular is to “Reinvent the future of professional beauty through tech” Case solutions may include but are not limited to AI/ML integration, 3rd party online shopping partnerships, use of the metaverse space and so much more.

Come Join us for a life changing information session on how to participate and what sort of benefits which may come to of this opportunity including but not limited to - internship opportunities, executive coaching experience, travel to europe and so much more

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