Sebastien Betermier /bensadoun-school/taxonomy/term/65/all en Opening infrastructure could encourage Canada’s pension funds to invest more domestically /bensadoun-school/channels/news/opening-infrastructure-could-encourage-canadas-pension-funds-invest-more-domestically-357950 <p>The Government of Canada is exploring ways to increase investments in the country’s pension fund equities, but doing so sacrifices returns, according to The Economist. Over the past decade, Canadian mid and small-cap stocks have returned just 3-4% each year, while U.S. stocks have seen a 13% return annually. Opening infrastructure to investment is another way to encourage pension funds to invest more of their capital domestically.</p> Mon, 15 Jul 2024 18:08:15 +0000 admin 604682 at /bensadoun-school Domestic investment: Should Canadian pension funds focus on local companies? /bensadoun-school/channels/news/domestic-investment-should-canadian-pension-funds-focus-local-companies-357933 <p>Canada’s biggest pension funds are some of the world’s largest investors and their diversified portfolios span the globe. But, should they be investing more in Canadian companies? Some CEOs think so. In March, 90 CEOs signed an open letter to<strong> Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland</strong> urging her to find ways to get pension funds to invest more in Canadian companies. But forcing pension funds to do so would be a mistake, says CD Howe Institute Senior Fellow Miville Tremblay in an op-ed in LaPresse.</p> Thu, 11 Jul 2024 19:10:44 +0000 admin 604679 at /bensadoun-school Negative real estate returns have some pension funds considering a change in approach /bensadoun-school/channels/news/negative-real-estate-returns-have-some-pension-funds-considering-change-approach-357921 <p>Over the past few decades, Canada’s big pension funds have piled into direct real estate investments. But, as higher borrowing costs hit property markets, returns have gone negative. Some funds are considering whether they should take a step back and make this type of investment through third-party managers. “You have a few pension funds asking themselves, should I continue to go as direct?” says Associate Professor of Finance <a href="/desautels/sebastien-betermier"><strong>Sebastien Betermier</strong></a> in an interview with BNN Bloomberg.</p> Tue, 09 Jul 2024 18:31:34 +0000 admin 604675 at /bensadoun-school Sustainable investing doesn’t only mean companies that are already green—large investors can push polluters to become greener /bensadoun-school/channels/news/sustainable-investing-doesnt-only-mean-companies-are-already-green-large-investors-can-push-357716 <p>Many pension funds are pledging to invest in green assets with net-zero emissions, but these investments tend to yield lower returns than the broader market index. Beyond that, a hard shift toward green investments could remove the incentive for heavy emitters to clear up their act. Investors need to rethink the assumption that sustainable investing means investing primarily in green assets, writes Professor<a href="/desautels/sebastien-betermier" target="_blank"><strong> Sebastien Betermier</strong></a> in Benefits Canada.</p> Thu, 13 Jun 2024 18:26:13 +0000 admin 604640 at /bensadoun-school After a slow 2023, exchange-traded fund listings are revitalizing /bensadoun-school/channels/news/after-slow-2023-exchange-traded-fund-listings-are-revitalizing-356858 <p>In 2023, more than 120 exchange-traded funds (ETFs) were delisted in Canada—more than four times as many as in an average year. Even so, there was still a net gain in the overall number of ETFs, with 164 new ones launching for the year. With numbers in for the first quarter of 2024, the high number of delistings appears to have been an anomaly.</p> Wed, 17 Apr 2024 17:57:31 +0000 admin 604517 at /bensadoun-school New York City Public Pension Fund pushes RBC for energy transparency /bensadoun-school/channels/news/new-york-city-public-pension-fund-pushes-rbc-energy-transparency-356859 <p>The New York City Public Pension Fund has pushed Canada’s largest bank to deliver greater transparency about its investments in green energy and fossil fuels. The Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) will begin publishing the ratio between the two types of energy investments in its portfolio.</p> Wed, 17 Apr 2024 18:01:53 +0000 admin 604516 at /bensadoun-school ƻԺ Desautels faculty members and researchers celebrated at Bravo Gala /bensadoun-school/channels/news/mcgill-desautels-faculty-members-and-researchers-celebrated-bravo-gala-356258 <p> </p> <p>ƻԺ hosted its annual Bravo Gala on Thursday, March 21, which honours its faculty members and researchers who have won special awards, memberships and prizes over the past year. ƻԺ Desautels is proud to announce 14 of its faculty amongst the distinguished honourees this year. Congratulations to our deserving laureates! Full list below.<br /> #Bravo2024</p> <p>· <a href="/desautels/genevieve-bassellier"><strong>Geneviève Bassellier</strong></a>, Best AMCIS Emergent Research Forum Paper, Americas Conference on Information Systems</p> Thu, 21 Mar 2024 17:55:10 +0000 admin 604456 at /bensadoun-school Advanced life deferred annuities can give retirees peace of mind /bensadoun-school/channels/news/advanced-life-deferred-annuities-can-give-retirees-peace-mind-356136 <p>For people with defined contribution pension plans, longevity risk is a significant concern. You don’t want to outlive your money. The issue is compounded because today’s retirees have longer life expectancies than ever before, writes<a href="/desautels/sebastien-betermier"><strong> Sebastien Betermier</strong></a> in Benefits Canada. Most retirees decumulate their capital on their own, but because they’re afraid to outlast their savings, this leads to a pattern of living poor and dying rich. An advanced life deferred annuity (ALDA) can help address this problem.</p> Thu, 14 Mar 2024 16:49:21 +0000 admin 604449 at /bensadoun-school